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세기조절 방사선 치료에서 CORVUS TPS를 이용한 IMFAST™ Segmentation Algorithm의 연구

Other Titles
 Study of IMFAST™ segmentation algorithm with CORVUS TPS for intensity modulated radiation therapy 
 Se Byeong Lee  ;  Jino Bak  ;  Kwang Hwan Cho  ;  Sung-sil Chu  ;  Chang-geol Lee  ;  Suk Lee  ;  Hongryull Pyo  ;  Chang-ok Suh 
 Korean Journal of Medical Physics (의학물리), Vol.13(4) : 181-186, 2002 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medical Physics(의학물리)
Issue Date
Intensity modulated radiation therapy(IMRT) ; Finite size pencil beams(FSPB) ; Dose volume histogram(DVH) ; Multileaf collimator(MLC) ; Step&shoot
The IMRT planning depends on the algorithm of each planning system and MLC performance of each Linac system. Yonsei Cancer Center introduced ab IMRT System at the beginning of February, 2002. The system consists of CORVUS (Nomos, U.S.A.) treatment planning system, LANTIS, PRIMEVIEW and PRIMART (Siemens, U.S.A) linac system. The optimization of CORVUS planning system with PRIMART is an important task to make a desirable quality treatment plan. Our Step & Shoot IMRT system uses Finite Size Pencil Beams (FSPB) dose model, simulated annealing optimization algorithm and IMFAST segmentation algorithm. We constructed treatment plans for four different patient cases with two basic beamlet sizes, 1.0X1.0㎠ and 0.5X1.0 ㎠, and four intensity steps, 5%, 10%, 20%, 33%. Each case’s plan was evaluated with the dose volume histograms of target volumes and delivery efficiencies. The patient case of small target volume is sensitive at the change of intensity map's segmentation and it highlighted an effective treatment plan at marrow intensity step and small basic projection beamlet.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Suh, Chang Ok(서창옥)
Lee, Chang Geol(이창걸) ORCID logo
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