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대화와 그림설명과제를 통한 한국성인 발화의 비교 분석

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dc.description.abstractWe utilize convers ation and pictur e des cr iption tasks in evaluating the natur e of spoken language ability of aphas ic patients . T o cons truct the tasks , however , we ar e in need of normative data of normal adults . We gather ed speech s amples of 46 normal Kor ean adults (men : women=10 :36, mean age=58.0 , mean years of education=9.17) us ing convers ation and pictur e des cr iption tasks of the K-WAB(Kor ean Vers ion - The Wes tern Aphas ia Battery). We s tr atified the normals into men and women , five education gr oups , and thr ee age gr oups . Speech s amples wer e analyzed us ing 2 1 var iables . Two tasks wer e found to be s ignificantly differ in the following eight var iables : (1) the number of content wor ds per utter ance(p <.0 1), (2) the number of s yllables per utter ance(p <.0 1), (3) the number of word s uffixes per utter ance(p <.05), (4) the number of wor ds per utter ance(p <.05), (5) utter ance dur ation per s econd(p <.05), (6) the number of s yllables per s econd(p <.05), (7) the number of phonemic par aphas ias (p <.05), and (8) the number of wor d- clus ter r epetitions (p <.05). Compar ing to thepictur e des cr iption task , the convers ation task was char acter ized by incr eas es in (1) the number of content wor ds per utter ance , (2) the number of s yllables per utter ance , (3) the number of s uffixes per utter ance , (4) the number of wor ds per utter ance , (5) the utter ance dur ation per s econd, (6) the number of s yllables per s econd, and (7) the number of phonemic par aphas ias . The pictur e des cr iption task was char acter ized by an incr eas e in the number of wor d- clus ter r epetitions compar ed to the convers ation task . We analyzed the utter ances in terms of s ex , education , and age in both tasks . In the pictur e des cr iption task , the length of utterance of women was s ignificantly longer than that of men . Normal adults of non - education gr oup showed s ignificantly incr eas ed number of wor d s uffixes per utter ance and phonemic par aphas ias . Normal adults of 65 years and older had s ignificantly mor e phonemic par aphas ias and word- clus ter repetitions.-
dc.relation.isPartOfKorean Journal of Communication Disorders (언어청각장애연구)-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.title대화와 그림설명과제를 통한 한국성인 발화의 비교 분석-
dc.title.alternativeAn Utterance Analysis of Conversat ions and Picture Description Tasks of Korean Adults-
dc.contributor.collegeCollege of Medicine (의과대학)-
dc.contributor.departmentDept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학)-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, Hyang Hee-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorKim, Hyang Hee-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationKorean Journal of Communication Disorders (언어청각장애연구), Vol.6(1) : 40-52, 2001-
Appears in Collections:
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine (재활의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers


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