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칸디다뇨증 환자에 있어서 칸디다혈증 동반과 관련된 위험인자 분석

Other Titles
 The risk factors in patients with candiduria associated with candidemia 
 김창오  ;  김명환  ;  심대근  ;  조정호  ;  김병극  ;  김창년  ;  송영구  ;  김준명 
 Korean Journal of Medicine (대한내과학회지), Vol.60(5) : 479-484, 2001 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medicine(대한내과학회지)
Issue Date
Candidiasis ; Risk factors
Background : The early diagnosis of candidemia is critical for the management. The candidemia is known to be associated with 10% of candiduria. But the risk factors in patients with candiduria who are associated with candidemia are not known. We analyzed the risk factors in patients with candiduria who are associated with candidemia. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 164 patients with candiduria in Yonsei Medical Center from January 1998 to December 1998. Candiduria patients were divided into two groups. Candiduria patients without candidemia (Group 1 , 147 patients) and candiduria patients with candidemia (Group 2 , 17 patients). Results : 1) The mean age of the patients were 57.5 years in group 1 and 62.5 years in group 2. There were no significant differences in the sex ratio between the two groups. 2) Central venous catheter insertion (53%, 100% in group 1 , 2 ), hypotension (14%, 59% in group 1, 2), other associated infections (64%, 100% in group 1, 2), intensive care (41, 76% in group 1, 2) and fever (46%, 82% in group 1, 2) were the very significant risk factors in patients with candiduria who were associated with candidemia. 3) Urinary tract procedure (11%, 88% in group 1, 2), urinary catheter insertion (63%, 94% in group 1, 2), thrombocytopenia (17%, 41% in group 1, 2) and DM (8%, 24% in group 1, 2) were the significant risk factors of candidemia. 4) Candida colony count (cfu/mL) of urine culture was not a significant risk factor 5 ) Mortality rate (27%, 59% in group 1, 2) was significantly high in patients with candidemia. Conclusion : Central venous catheter insertion , hypotension , other associated infections , intensive care and fever were the very significant risk factors of candidemia in patients with candiduria.
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, June Myung(김준명)
Song, Young Goo(송영구) ORCID logo
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