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2012년 흡연으로 인한 건강보험 진료비 추정 연구

Other Titles
 Smoking Attributable Risk and Medical Care Cost in 2012 in Korea 
 지선하  ;  정금지  ;  전티나  ;  김희진  ;  윤영덕  ;  김일순 
 Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics (보건정보통계학회지), Vol.39(1) : 25-41, 2014 
Journal Title
Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics(보건정보통계학회지)
Issue Date
Smoking ; Relative risk ; Attributable risk ; Costs
Objectives: This study is to identify the difference of hospital choice factors between internal and external customers at metropolitan and non-metropolitan hospitals.

Methods: The questionnaires are used to collect data from internal customers(hospital employees) and external customers (patients). That is classified with 4 latent variables- such as, physical, human, accessibility, and connection factors. Total used cases are 98 patients and 96 employees on 2 hospitals-Hospital S, located in Seoul and 116 patients and 97 employees in Hospital C, located in non-metropolitan province. Multi group analysis and mean analysis in structural equation model (SEM) is used for analysis of difference between groups.

Results: The hospital choice factors are different significantly between internal and external customers of Hospital C, while there is no gaps in Hospital S. And there is a gap of choice factor between external customers of Hospital S and Hospital C, but not between internal customers of the two hospitals. The internal customers in Hospital S have more accurate information about patient’s hospital choice factors than those in Hospital C. Specially, the internal customers in Hospital C are aware of that the human factor is more important choice factor than other factors.

Conclusions: There are many hospital choice gaps between customers or hospital locations. So each hospital need to make more accurate measurement about customer need/behavior for higher customer satisfaction
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4. Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kimm, Heejin(김희진) ORCID logo
Jung, Keum Ji(정금지) ORCID logo
Jee, Sun Ha(지선하) ORCID logo
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