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한국 성인의 혈청 잔류성 유기오염물질 농도와 연령 및 체질량지수와의 관련성

Other Titles
 Association of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) with Age and Body Mass Index in Korean Adults 
 Ho Jung Moon  ;  Jungeun Lim  ;  Sun Ha Jee 
 Journal of Environmental Health Sciences (한국환경보건학회지), Vol.40(6) : 442-453, 2014 
Journal Title
Journal of Environmental Health Sciences(한국환경보건학회지)
Issue Date
Age distribution ; Body mass Index ; Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) ; Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) ; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Objectives: Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are known to be the detrimental chemicals in the body, even at low levels, and are stored in adipose tissue. Recently, POPs have been reported to be associated with chronic diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, and aging and obesity are reported as common factors in chronic disease. However, there have been only a few studies on the associations of POPs with age and body mass index (BMI) in Korea. Therefore, we analyzed the associations of serum POPs levels with age and BMI in Korea.
Methods: This cross-sectional study includes 444 subjects (253 men and 191 women) from the Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (2004-2011). Serum levels of 33 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 19 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were measured by a gas chromatographer (Agilent 6890) coupled to high resolution mass spectrometer (JEOL JMS-800D).
Results: Concentrations of PCB 153 (men: 12.26 ng/g lipid, women: 10.50 ng/g lipid) and p,p'-DDE (men: 94.66 ng/g lipid, women: 96.66 ng/g lipid) were the highest among serum PCBs and OCPs, respectively. PCBs and OCPs were significantly positively correlated with age in both sexes. After adjustment for age, non-dioxin like PCBs were significantly negatively correlated with body mass in women. However, cis-heptachlor epoxide was significantly positively correlated with body mass index in both sexes. When analyzed by sex, stronger associations were shown between POPs and age in men and POPs and BMI in women.
Conclusion: These results may provide baseline data for the study of POPs and for the health management field in Korea.
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