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아레루기- 성변화에 있어서 부신급췌장의 상관성에 관한 실험적 연구

Other Titles
 An experimental study on the interrelationship between the adrenal gland the pancreas in allergy 
Issue Date
文獻에 依하면 各內分泌臟器間의 「아레루기-」性變化에 있어서의 相關性에 關하여서는 많은 業績이 發表되어 있으며 各 相互間에 密接한 關係가 있음이 알려져 있다.

含水炭素나 電解質의 新陳代謝에 있어서 副腎의 皮質及 髓質과 膵臟과는 相互 密接한 關聯性을 가지고 있음은 周知되어 있는 事實이므로 이에서는 「아레루기-」性變化에 있어서의 副腎과 膵臟의 相關性은 果然 어떠한 것인가를 究明하고저 하였든 것이다.

實驗動物로서는 體重 2.0㎏內外의 健康家 를 또 抗原으로서는 新鮮한 馬血 을 使用하였다.

實驗方法으로서는 動物을 非感作群과 感作群으로 나누고 이것을 다시 副腎皮質處置群 膵臟處置群及 副腎髓質處置群으로 各 나누었다. 非感作群에서는 抗原을 家 體重每㎏當 0.1㏄의 比率로 各 副腎皮質, 副腎髓質及 膵臟에 1回式 注射하였으며 感作群에는 抗原을

體重每㎏當 1.0㏄의 比率로 4日間 每日1回式 繼續腹壁皮下에 注射한 後 第14日에 非感作群에서와 同一한 注射處置를 하였다. 그리고 나서 各動物을 最終注射后 各 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72時間 1, 2, 3週間의 9群으로 時間的으로 나누어 殺하여 各 動物에서 副腎及膵臟

을 摘出하고 이를 組織學的으로 檢索하였다.

其結果 以下와 같은 成績을 얻었다.

1. 副腎皮質에 「아레루기-」性變化를 惹起시켰을 때 膵臟에도 同系統의 變化가 거의 同時期에 發現되고 同一한 經過를 取하여 漸次 恢復됨을 보고 「아레루기-」性變化에 있어서 副腎皮質과 膵臟과는 密接한 關係가 있음을 알았다.

2. 膵臟에 「아레루기-」性變化를 惹起하였을때에도 이와같은 系統의 變化가 副腎의 皮質及 質에도 거의 同時期에 나타나 同一한 經過를 取하며 漸次 恢復됨을 보았으며 이로써 「아레루기-」性變化에 있어서 膵臟과 副腎과의 關係는 密接한 바가 있다는 것은 알았


3. 또 副腎 質에 「아레루기-」性變化를 惹起하였을때도 이와 同一한 系統의 變化가 膵臟에도 거의 同時期에 同一한 程度로 나타나 거의 同一한 經過와 顯末을 取함을 보고 亦是 「아레루기-」性變化에 있어서 副腎 質과 膵臟에도 相互 密接한 關係가 있음을 알았다.

그런 故로 以上과 같은 成績에 비추어서 正常家 의 膵臟及副腎의 「아레루기-」性變化에 있어서 相互 密接한 關聯性이 있다는 事實을 알았다.






(Director: Prof. I.S.Yun, M.D., and Prof. Y.S.Lee, M.D.)

(Read in part at the 6th Annual Convention of the Korean Medical Association,

Seoul, Korea, June 20, 1954)

There have been many reports revealing a close relationship between endocrine

organs in allergic changes. Since both the adrenal cortical and medullary hormones

are closely connected with the pancreas in carbohydrate and electrolyte metabolism,

an animal experiment was carried out to study the interrelationship in allergic

changes between these two endocrine organs. A summary of this study is as follows:


Healthy rabbits weighing approximately 2.0 kg were used and fresh horse serum was

given as a sensitizing antigen. The animals were divided into 2 groups :

unsensitized as a control and sensitized. Each was subdiviede into 3 groups, one

each to study the adrenal cortex, pancreas and adrenal medulla.

For the unsensitized group, a dose of 0.1 cc of antigen per kg of body weight was

injected into each of the above mentioned organs under aseptic condition. For the

sensitized group, the same procedures were performed as the unsensitized group on

the 14th day after the original sensitization. The sensitization had been done by

injecting a daily dose of 1.0 cc of antigen per kg of body weight into the

adbominal wall hypodermically for 4 days.

The animals of each group were killed ar intervalls of 3,6,12,24,48,72 hours, and

1,2, and 3 weeks after the injection of the antigen into each endocrine organ. The

adrenal gland and the Pancreas were removed from every animal for histological

examination using hematoxylin-eosin and Van Gieson stains with paraffm sections.


1. When antigen was injected into the adrenal cortex, almost the same kind,

degree and course of recovery of allergic changes were observed in the pancreas as

were observed in the adrenal cortex.

2. When antigen was injected into the pancreas, approximately the same degree of

allergic changes was noticed in the adrenal gland as in the pancreas, and the

organs recovered in approximately the same manner.

3. When antigen was injected into the adrenal medulla, the pancreas also

developed allergic changes with approximately the same degree of intensity and with

the same course of recovery.

4. In summary, the above facts demonstrate that there is an intimate relationship

in allergy between the adrenal gland and the pancreas.


(Read in part at the 6th Annual Convention of the Korean Medical Association, Seoul, Korea, June 20, 1954)

There have been many reports revealing a close relationship between endocrine organs in allergic changes. Since both the adrenal cortical and medullary hormones are closely connected with the pancreas in carbohydrate and electrolyte metabolism,

an animal experiment was carried out to study the interrelationship in allergic changes between these two endocrine organs. A summary of this study is as follows:


Healthy rabbits weighing approximately 2.0 kg were used and fresh horse serum was given as a sensitizing antigen. The animals were divided into 2 groups :

unsensitized as a control and sensitized. Each was subdiviede into 3 groups, one each to study the adrenal cortex, pancreas and adrenal medulla.

For the unsensitized group, a dose of 0.1 cc of antigen per kg of body weight was injected into each of the above mentioned organs under aseptic condition. For the sensitized group, the same procedures were performed as the unsensitized group on

the 14th day after the original sensitization. The sensitization had been done by injecting a daily dose of 1.0 cc of antigen per kg of body weight into the adbominal wall hypodermically for 4 days.

The animals of each group were killed ar intervalls of 3,6,12,24,48,72 hours, and 1,2, and 3 weeks after the injection of the antigen into each endocrine organ. The adrenal gland and the Pancreas were removed from every animal for histological

examination using hematoxylin-eosin and Van Gieson stains with paraffm sections.


1. When antigen was injected into the adrenal cortex, almost the same kind, degree and course of recovery of allergic changes were observed in the pancreas as were observed in the adrenal cortex.

2. When antigen was injected into the pancreas, approximately the same degree of allergic changes was noticed in the adrenal gland as in the pancreas, and the organs recovered in approximately the same manner.

3. When antigen was injected into the adrenal medulla, the pancreas also developed allergic changes with approximately the same degree of intensity and with the same course of recovery.

4. In summary, the above facts demonstrate that there is an intimate relationship in allergy between the adrenal gland and the pancreas.
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