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한국인 심장혈관에 관한 형태학적 연구

Other Titles
 Studies on the blood vascular system of the hearts of Koreans 
Issue Date


Part 1.

The Coronary Artery

The hearts of a hundred bodies of average Koreans have been used in this study. The coronary arteries having been morphologically observed, the following results were obtained.

1. The openings of the right coronary arteries which were;

inside the aortic sinus.....................84%

at the border of the aortic sinus...........10%

outside the aortic sinus.................... 6%

The openings of the left coronary arteries which were;

inside the aortic sinus.....................54%

at the border of the aortic sinus........... 3%

outside the aortic sinus....................16%

2. The length of an average left coronary artery from where it originated at the aortic sinus to the point it diverged into two main branches, the R. interventricularis and the R. circumflexus, was 9.64 mm.

3. The furcation of the main stem of a left coronary artery was such that 70% of them had bifucated and 30% trifurcated, there was no quadrifurcation observed.

4. Of the right and left coronary arteries, 73% of them had bigger left coronary arteries and 25% bigger right coronary arteries.

5. An average diameter of a right coronary artery was 2.80 mm. and that of a left coronary artery was 3.17 mm. 81% of them had the R. interventrioularis of the left coronary arteries bigger in diameter than the R. circumflexus and 19% were smaller.

83% had a right coronary artery bigger in diameter than the R. circumflexus and 16% were smaller.

6. Distribution of the branches of a right coronary artery in the posterior surface of the heart was more highly developed than the R. circumflexus.

7. If the relateve distribution of the right and left coronary arteries was divided in aocordance with the classification method of Adaohi, it would be as follows:

Type Ⅰ....15%, Type.... 60%

Type Ⅱ....17%, Ⅲa and Ⅲb.... 8%

8. Those which had A. adiposa were 88%, and 28% of them had it directly originated from the sinus aortae ventralis.

9. In the matter of the relative distribution types of the right and left coronary arteries of the hearts, the degree of similarity of the Koreans with other races was generally close to what Dr. Seki had observed from the Japanese.

10. As a variation, one coronary branch shot out of the opening of a right coronary artery. At a glance, it seemed as if there were three coronary arteries.

11. A close investigation has been made on the numbers of branches of the right and left arteries which were distributed from the ventricle and the auricle.

Part Ⅱ.

The veins of the Heart

The hearts of 93 bodies of average Koreans have been used as materials for this study. The veins of the heart have been observed from in the morphological view point, with and the following results:

(1). The examples of the Valvula Vieussenii found in the Ditalis of the Sinus Coronarius are 62.4%, and those not found in the Distalis of the Sinus Coronarius are 25.8%.

(2). Of 58 cases that have the valves, those only with one valve are 30(51.8%), those with two valves 28(48.3%), and none with three valves are found.

(3). The surface of the Sinus Coronarius are covered with Cardiac Muscle fibres in 70 hearts (75.2%) and they are not covered with in 6 hearts (6%).

(4). There is one case found, as a variation of the Sinus is lacking.

(5). The examples of the V. Cordis magna anastomosed (a) with the V. marginis Acuti are 2.2% and one case is found of the V. magna Cordis anastomosed (b) with the V. Cordis Ventrales, and examples of the V. magna Cordis anastomosed (c) with he V. interventrioularis Dorsalis Cordis are 70, and those anastomosed big branches are 20 (21.5%).

(6). The V. interventricularis dorsalis cordis has been found in all 93 cases. The examples of the veins opening in the Sinus Coronarius are 91 (97.8%) and those directly opening in the right Auricles are 2 (2.2%). There are 8 examples that the veins are anastomosed with branches of the V. marginis acuti, and three of them anastomosed with the V. marginis obtusi, are found.

(7). 56 (60.2%) cases have the V. cordis parva and 37 (39.8%) do not have it. The examples of the V. cordis parva opening in the Sinus Coronarius are 50 (53.77%) and those opening in the V. interventrioularis dorsalis cordis are 63 (64%).

(8). The examples of the V. obliqua atrii sinistri (Marshalli) found are 65 (69.9%) and those without the V. obliqua atii sinist are 28 (30.1%). And it has been found that in 41 (63.1%) cases the veins are opening in the Sinus coronarius and that in 63 cases (9.2%) they are opening in the V. cordis magna. There are 18 cases (27.7%) in which the openings can hardly be determined.

(9). The Vv. cordis ventralis (Vv cordis anteriares) has been found in 87 (92.5%) cases. Those which have (2-3) veins are found in 74 cases (85.1%) and none are observed that have more than five veins.

(10). The V. dorsalis ventriculi sinistri has been found in all 93 cases. The examples which have 3-4 veins are 61 (65.4%). There is one example that has one, and another that has seven of them.

(11). The Venae minimae Thebesii is mostly seen in the right auricle.

Author's Abstract
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