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남자 고등학생들의 간호직 인식에 대한 조사 연구

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dc.description.abstract[영문] [한글] 간호가 전문직으로서 발전하기 위해서 간호직을 전문직으로 인식시키고 남성들에게도 간호직에 대한 호감을 갖도록 보다 정확한 간호사의 역할과 간호전문직에 대한 이해를 위 한 효과적인 노력이 필요하다고 본다. 이에 본 연구자는 남자고등학생들의 간호직에 대한 인식을 조사하여 간호에 대한 올바 른 인식관 확립과 간호직의 유능한 인력확보, 간호직에 대한 홍보전략을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 1996년 11월 6일부터 11월 11일까지 질문지를 이용해 설문조사를 하였으며 대상자는 298명이었다. 질문지는 본 연구자가 참고 문헌을 기초로 작성한 후, 간호학 교 수의 수정을 받고 예비조사를 거쳐 수정, 보완하여 완성한 질문지를 연구도구로 사용하였 다. 수집된 자료는 실수와 백분율, 평균, 표준편차, F-test, t-test, ANOVA를 이용하여 분 석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 대상자의 총 간호직 인식은 최대평점 5점에 대해 평균 2.72점으로 비교적 낮게 나타 났고, 4개 영역별로 간호직의 역할과 가치에 대한 인식이 3.17로 가장 높았고, 간호직의 전망에 대한 인식 2.77, 남자간호사에 대한 인식 2.60으로 나타났으며, 진로선택 요인으 로 간호직에 대한 인식이 2.35로 제일 낮았다. 2) 진로선택 요인으로 간호직 인식에 대한 반응을 보면, 「간호직은 같은 교육수준에 있는 타직종에 비해 수입이 많은 직업이다」는 40.6%로 가 장 부정적인 반응을 보였는데 「취업이 용이한 직업이다」는 '그렇다'에 24.8%로 가장 높 은 반응을 나타냈고 '그렇지 않다'에 높은 반응을 보인 문항은 「간호직은 같은 교육수준 에 있는 타직종에 비해 수입이 많은 직업이다」가 34.6%로 나타났다. 3) 간호직 역할과 가치에 대한 인식에서는, 「환자의 질병회복에 도움을 주는 직업이다」가 82.3%로 긍정적인 반응을 보이고 있으 며 '그렇다'에서도 78.9%로 가장 높은 반응이 나타났다. '그렇지 않다'에 높은 반응을 보 인 문항은 「간호사는 의사와 동등한 의료안이다」가 가장 높은 31.9%였으며, 「간호사는 독자적으로 환자간호를 수행한다」 26.2%,로 나타났다. 4) 남자간호사에 대한 인식에서는, 남자간호사에 대한 인식은 「남자간호사는 직업선택을 부적절하게 한 사람이다」가 역 산처리한 결과 76.6%로 가장 긍정적인 반응을 보였으며 「남자간호사는 좋은 대중적 이미 지를 갖고 있다」는 37.0%로 가장 부정적인 반응으로 나타났다. '그렇지 않다'는 반응은 「남자간호사는 좋은 대중적 이미지를 갖고 있다」에서 46,3% 로 가장 높았으며 '그렇다'는 반응은 「남자간호사는 여자간호사와 동등 하게 환자간호를 잘 할 수 있다」에서 31.8%로 가장 높았다. 5) 간호직 전망에 대한 인식에서는, 「간호사 독자적 판단영역이 점차 확대될 것이다」가 71.7%로 가장 긍정적인 반응으로 나타났으며 「더 많은 남자들이 간호직을 선택할 것이다」가 40.8%로 가장 부정적인 반응 을 보였다. '그렇다'에 높은 반응을 보인문항은 「간호에 요구되는 교육수준이나 자격이 높아질 것이다」 43.9%, '그렇지 않다'는 반응은 「더 많은 남자들이 간호직을 선택할 것 이다」 35.8%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 6) 대상자의 일반적 특성과 간호직에 대한 인식과의 관계 검정결과, 간호직에 대한 인 식에 유의한 차이가 있는 특성으로는 남자간호사를 접한 경험유무, 간호직 정보 참여, 정 보제공시 간호직 고려였으며 남자간호사 접한 경험이 있는 군, 간호직 정보 참여를 하겠 다는 군, 정보제공시 간호직을 고려하는 군에서 간호직에 대한 인식이 높았다. 7) 대상자의 남자간호사에 대한 인식은 간호직 인식 총 평균 2.72에 미치지 못하는 2.6 0으로 낮아 부정적으로 나타났으나 일반적 특성에 따라서는 남자간호사를 접한 경험이 있 는 대상자에서 2.75로 없는 대상자 2.44보다 긍정적인 반응을 보였다.(P<0.01) 8) 간호직 인식에 가장 영향을 받은 경위는 TV·영화·비디오 등이 50.7%로 절반을 차 지하였는데 이를 통하여 영향을 받은 대상자의 간호직에 대한 인식이 가장 부정적인 반응 을 보였다. 9) 진로선택시 간호직을 고려하고 있는 대상자는 4.7%(14명)으로 나타났으나, 간호직에 대한 정보를 얻을 기회가 오면 참여하겠다는 대상자가 41.0%였고 정보제공시 간호직을 고려하겠다는 대상자는 33%로 나타났다. MALE High School Student's Perception of Nursing as a Career Choice Jai hyung Lee Department of Nursing education The Educational Graduate School of Yonsei University (Directed by professor) Still the nursing service profession as one of women's professional jobs is dominated by a fixed concept that profession is characterized with femininity, and however in mordern times, such a fixed concept is gradually changing. The nursing service that is mostly taken by female person is now facing an issue of 'lack of nursing manpower' for a high seperation rate, thereby not only making the profession have a short life as a professional job but also giving it its feminine disposition more impressive. Therefore, such phenomena become a hitch in the development of the profession. So, in order to develop nursing service into a professional job, in the first place, it is considered that the nursing service should be recognized as a professional job by the public. And there is necessity to give effective efforts to making male persons precisely understand the role of the nurse and the profession of nursing service. So, this study was intended to inspect the high school male students' understanding of the nursing service profession, based on that, to establsh a sound view of nursing service, and to provide some basic data for securing the competent manpower of nursing service and preparing for the strategy of the publicity of nursing service. Data collection was done through some questionnaires to 298 high school male students from Nov, 6, to Nov. 11, 1996. The questionnaire was made out, based on references to literature, corrected by nursing care professors, passed by a preliminary inspection, corrected, complemented, and completed. And the collected data was analysed by using real numbers, percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, F-test, t-test, and ANOVA. Also, the collected data was reviewed in 4 areas of their recognition - ① the role and value of the nurse, ② the prospect of the nursing se- rvice profession, ③ the male nurse, and ④ nursing service as a factor in choosing a professional course. Findings are as follows: 1) It appeared that regarding general recognition of nursing service by the subjects(high school male students), an average point was a low point of 2.72 when the most average point is 5 ; and this point was relatively lower than expected ; in a review of the subjects' recognition of the four areas, the point in their recognition of ①the role and value of the nursing service profession was 3.17, a highest point ; the point in their recognition of ② the prospect of the nursing service profession was 2.77 ; the point in their recognition of the ③ male nurse was 2.60 ; the point in their recognition of ④ nursing service as a factor in choosing a professional course was 2.45, a lowest point. 2) It appeared that regarding subjects' response to their choosing the nursing service profession as a professional course, the answer, 'the nursing service profession gives a much more income in comparison with other professions which are at a same level of education', showed a 40.6% response, a negative response : the answer in 'yes' in a question, 'The nursing profession will give easy employment to the applicant, showed a 24.8% response, a highest response : the answer in 'no' in a question, 'Nursing profession is a profession that gives much more income in comparison with other professions which are at a same level of education.' 3) It appeared that regarding the subject's recognition of the role and value of the nursing service profession, they showed a 82.3% response, in a question of Nursing service profession is the job to help the patient's recovery from their disease. ; and however, 31.9% in a response of 'Nurse is a medical person equivalent to a doctor.'; they showed a negatived response, 26.2% in a answer 'The nurse performed nursing care to patients individually.' 4) It appeared that regarding their recognition of the male nurse, they showed a highest, aggressive response in a result of inverse operation(calculation), 76.6% to a question, 'Is the male nurse one who choose his profession improperly?', and however a lowest, negative response, 37.0% to a question of 'Does the male nurse have a good public image'; their answering in 'no' in a question of 'does the male nurse have a good public image?' showed a highest response of 46.3% ; and their answering in 'yes' in a question of 'Can the male nurse do the same performance of nursing care to patients as the female does?' showed a response of 31.8%, highest response. 5) It appeared that regarding in their recognition of the prospect of the nursing service profession, they showed a most aggressive response of 71.7% to a question of 'Will the nurse's individual judgement area be gradually extended?' and a most negative response of 40.8% to a question toa of 'Will more male person choose nursing service profession, in their answering yes to a question of 'Will the level of education and qualification required by nursing service be highened?, they showed a highest response of 43.9%, in their answering 'no' to a question of 'Will more male persons choose the nursing service profession?' they showed a response of 35.8%. 6) It appeared that in a result of study between the subjects' general characteristics and their recognition of the nursing service profession, they referred to their experience in contacting with nurses or not, participation in the information of the nursing service profession, and consideration in case that such information is provided for them in their answering to the questionnaire : and specially their recognition of the nursing service profession was higf in the group of subjects who have any of experiences in contacting with the male nurse, in a group of subjects who intend to participate in learning the information of the nursing service profession, and in the group of subjects who consider the nursing servic profession in case that such information is provided for them. 7) It appeared that regarding their recognition of the male nurse, since they showed a point 2.60 less than a average of 2.72, they showed a negative response : however, inthe group of subjects who have any experience in contacting whith the malr nurse, they showed a response of 2.75 while in the group of subjects having no such experience, they shoeed a response of 2.44(P<0.01). 8) It appeared that regarding the things significantly influencing the subjects' recognition of the nursing service profession, TV, movies, and video film influence them by a degree of 50.7% which is more than a half : however, subjects whoare Influence by such things showed a negative response to their recognition of the nursing service profession. 9) It appeared that in their choosing the nursing bervice profession for their future course, they showed a response of 4.7%(14 subjects) ; however, in case that they have more information about the nursing service profession so that they can be interested in the profession, 41.5% of them answered that they might participate in the course, and in case that such information is provided for them, 33% of them -answered they might consider to choose the course of the nursing service profession.-
dc.publisher연세대학교 교육대학원-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.title남자 고등학생들의 간호직 인식에 대한 조사 연구-
dc.title.alternativeMALE High School Student's Perception of Nursing as a Career Choice-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameLee, Jai Hyung-
Appears in Collections:
3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 2. Thesis


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