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아동혈압의 지속성에 관한 시게열 분석

Other Titles
 Tracking of Blood Pressure During Childhood 
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아동혈압의 지속성여부를 밝히고자 1986년 1학년 재학 중이었던 경기도 강화군 강화읍

에 소재하는 4개 국민학교 학생 330명의 아동을 1990년 5학년때까지 매년 추적조사를 하


측정된 혈압을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다.

첫째, 아동은 학년이 증가함에 따라 남녀 모두 수축기혈압과 이완기 혈압이 증가하였는

데 1학년때의 수축기혈압을 제외하고는 매 학년마다 여아의 혈압이 남아에 비하여 수축기

혈압은 평균 0.8mmHg, 이완기혈압은 평균1.5mmHg 정도 높았다.

둘째, 수축기혈압은 남아에서 연평균 2.5mmHg, 여아는 3.1mmHg 증가하였고 이완기혈압

Ⅳ는 남아에서 연평균 3.0mmHg, 여아는 2.9mmHg 증가하였는데 남아에 대하여 여아의 수축

기 혈압증가율이 통계학적으로 유의하게 높았다.

세째, 혈압변화율을 초기 기준혈압에다 회귀분석한 결과 교정된 회기계수가 수축기혈압

은 남아에서 -0.11, 여아가 -0.13이었고 이완기혈압은 남아에서 -0.01, 여아가 -0.11로

모두 음의 관계를 나타냈다.

사춘기 전 또는 사춘기 초기시기의 아동에서는 초기 기준혈압이 높은아동이 초기 기준

혈압이 낮은 아동보다 혈압증가율이 크지 않으므로 이 시기의 혈압은 지속성이 없음을 시


Tracking of blood pressure during childhood

Soon Young Lee

Department of Public Health The Graduate School Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Il Soon Kim,H.D.)

The purpose of this study is to find the tracking of blood pressure in primary

school-age children. A follow-up study was conducted from 1986 to 1990 on 330 first

grade children attending primary schools in Kangwha County, Kyungki-Do.

Basically we employed a linear regression model with random coefficients to

figure out the relation between blood pressure changes and initial blood pressure.

We obtained the following results;

1. The mean blood pressures were increased as grade went up in both sexs and were

generally higher in female than male except for the systolic blood pressure at

first grade. The size of difference was about 0.8mmHg in mean systolic blood

pressure and 1.5mmHg in mean diastolic blood pressure.

2. The average annual increasing rates of systolic blood pressure were 2.5mmHg in

male and 3.1mmHg in female respectively. For the diastolic blood pressure Ⅳ the

average annual increasing rates were observed to be 3.0mmHg in male and 2.9mmHg in

female respectively. Increasing rate of systolic blood pressure was significantly

higher in female than male.

3. The adjusted regression coefficient of systolic blood pressure change on

initial value was -0.11 in male and -0.13 in female and that coefficient of

diastolic blood pressure change on initial value was -0.01 in male and -0.11 in

female. This result shows that children with higher initial blood pressure do not

pick up their blood pressure faster than others with lower initial blood pressure.

There is no evidence of tracking of blood pressure in children.

It is essential to find the earliest age having the tracking of blood pressure

and we leave it for the further study.
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