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의무실에 대한 근로자들의 이용실태와 인식도

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 A Study on perception and utilization state of workers in a plant medical dispensary 
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본 연구는 산업장 근로자들의 의무실 이용 실태와 인식도를 조사하기 위하여 모 인견사

제조공장의 주간 근무자 285명에 대하여 설문조사한 결과는 다음과 같다.

1. 1991년 1월 1일부터 같은 해 12월 31일까지 1인당 연간 의무실 이용 빈도는 4.9회였


2. 응답자의 일반적 특성인 성, 연령, 학력, 종교, 주거지, 근무형태, 근무년수 중에서

성, 연령, 근무형태, 근무년수가 의무실 이용과 유의한 관련성이 있었다(p<0.05)

3. 건강 형태인 흡연과 삶의 가치관이 의무실 이용 빈도와 관련이 있었다(p<0.05).

4. 부서별로 조사한 결과 원액과에서의 의무실 이용 빈도가 가장 높았다.

5. 의무실에 대한 인식과 이용 빈도와의 관계에서 개인상담 역할, 평소 의료진과의 안

면 여부, 의료진의 기술과 태도에 대한 만족, 이용시간의 자유도가 관련성이 있었다.

6. 의무실을 방문하는 근로자의 증상을 조사한 결과 호흡기 증상 (43.9%), 피부질환 및

외상(16.8%), 소화기 증상(16.3%) 순이었다.

A Study on perception and utilization state of workers in a plant medical


Bae Hyun Young

Department of Environmental Science Management Graduate School

of Health Science and Management Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Young Hahn Moon, M.D.,Ph.D.)

This study was conducted to acquire the state of perception and utilization of a

plant medical dispensary on 285 workers in a artificial silk industry form January

1, 1991 to December 31, 1991.

The results were as follows.

1. During last year (1991. 1.1∼1991. 12.31.), average utilization rate of

dispensary was 4.9 times per worker.

2. Analyzing the relationship between utilization and sex, age, education level,

religion, residence, work style, and work duration, it revealed that men's

utilization rate were more frequently than women.

The blue collar's utilization rate were more than the white collar.

The more longer work duration, the more frequent utilization rate.

3. Analyzing employees by regular exercise, smoking habit, viewpoint of life,

past disease history, family history of adult disease, utilization rate of smoking

group tend to be higer position than that in non smoking habit group.

The utilization rate of negative viewpoint of life group were revealed higher

rate more that than in positive viewpoint of life.

4. Analyzing employees by work department, liquid material making department

presents the most frequent utilization.

5. Analyzing employees by perception on dispensary, the better dispensary use

rate leans to be private problem counselling role group, close relationship with

doctor and nurse, satisfactory group of medical proficient and manner.

6. analyzing employees by utilization rate relevance to clinical problem,

respiratory symptoms, skin and trauma were frequent symptoms.
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