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한국인의 성인 하악 치조골 결손 형태의 빈도 및 분포에 관한 연구

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dc.description.abstract[영문] [한글] 저자는 한국인에서의 치조골 결손 형태의 빈도 및 분포를 알아보기 위하여 연세 대학교 원주 의과대학 해부학 교실의 해부용 사체에서 적출한 22개의 하악골, 총 210개의 치아 를 대상으로 부위별, 연령별로 조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 치조골 결손 형태별로 빈도를 보면 furcation involvement 17.8%, inconsistent mar gin 15.8%, dehiscence 13.8%, fenestration 12,5%의 순으로 나타났다. 2. inconsistent margin, dehiscence, fenestration은 전치부에서 많이 나타났고, thic kened margin, ledgelike margin, intrabony defect는 구치부에서 많이 나타났다. 3. furcation involvement는 연령이 증가함에 따라 class Ⅰ보다 class Ⅲ의 빈도가 높 게 나타났다. 4. 연령이 증가함에 따라 thickened margin, ledgelike margin은 감소하였고, inconsis tent margin, interdental crater, intrabony defect, dehiscence , fenestration은 증가 하였다. 5. 같은 형태 치아 좌측과 우측을 비교해 보았을 때 별다른 차이를 보이지 않았다. A STUDY ON THE INCIDENCE AND DISTRIBUTI0N OF ALVEOLAR BONI DEFECTS IN DRIED MANDIBLES OF KOREAN In Sook Kim Dept. of Dental Science, Graduate School Yonsei University (Directed by Assistant Prof. Han Pyong Kim, D.D.S., Ph.D.) In order to observe the Incidence and distribution of alveolar bone defects according to age, type of tooth, the author had surveyed the 22 mandibles of dry human jaws of the department of Anatomy, the Wonju Medical College, Yonsei University. 210 teeth among 22 d교 human mandibles were studies. The obtained results were as fellows: 1. According to the morphology, the alveolar bone defects most frequenty observed were furcation involvements (17.8%), inconsistent margins (15.8%), dehiscences (13.8%), fensetrations(12.5%) in order. 2. Inconsistent margins, dehiscences, fenestrations were much more common in the anterior segment, thickened margins, ledgelike margins, instrabony defects were much more common in the posterior segment. 3. As the age increases, Class Ⅲ furcation involvements were increased, Class I furcation involvements were decreased. 4. As the age increases, thickened margins and ledgelike margins were decreased, whereas inconsistent margins, interdental craters, intrabony defects, dehiscences and fenestrations were increased. 5. As to the type and incidence of bone defect, there were no significant differences between left and right side of mandible.-
dc.publisher연세대학교 대학원-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.title한국인의 성인 하악 치조골 결손 형태의 빈도 및 분포에 관한 연구-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the incidence and-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameKim, In Sook-
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과) > 2. Thesis


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