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간호대학생들의 수술실 실습에 임하는 태도조사 연구

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 (A) study on the attitude of nursing student towards operating room nursing practice 
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본 연구는 수술실 실습에 임하는 간호대학 학생들의 태도에 관한 조사연구로, 첫째, 간호학생들의 수술실 실습에 대한 선입견 및 긴장감, 둘째 수술실 실습에 대한 기대, 셋째, 수술실 환자 및 간호원에 대한 태도, 넷째, 수술실 실습에 필요한 지식 및

기술의 준비에 대한 태도를 파악하여 간호학생을 위한 수술실 실습 교육 및 준비계획에 기초자료를 제공하고자 하는데 그 목적을 두었다.

서울 시내에 있는 4년제 간호교육기관의 3, 4학년 학생으로 수술실 실습 경험이 없는 약 170명을 연구 대상으로 하였다. 연구 방법은 본 연구자가 고안한 본인 기입식 질문지를 사용하였으며, 사전 조사를 거쳐 제 검토한 후, 본 조사를 실시하였다.

본 연구에서 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다.

1. 응답자의 일반적 사항으로 연령은 21세가 전체 43.5%로 가장 많은 분포를 보였고, 3학년 학생이 대다수로 79.4%였다.(평균연령은 21세 였다.)

2. 조사 응답자의 79.4%와 동료들과 수술실 실습에 대하여 이야기한 경험이 있고 21.8%가 수술 받은 경험이 있었다.

3. 응답자의 95.3%가 내과병실 실습을 99.4%가 외과계 병실의 실습 경험이 있으며 57.1%가 산소아과계 임상실습의 경험이 있었고, 35.9%가 보건소와 그밖에 외래 실습 경험을 가지고 있었다.

4. 응답자의 수술실 실습에 대한 이론학습은 2학년2학기 (28.8%)와 3학년 2학기(31.2%)에 주로 주어졌으며 5-8시간의 이론 학습을 받을 대상이 34.7%로 가장 많았다.

5. 수술실 실습에 대한 응답자의 태도를 조사하기 위한 14개의 질문중 8개에 과반수 이상의 응답자가 긍정적 태도를 보였으나 심한 중압감(73.5%), 불안감(73.5%), 배운 지식 적용에 대한 자신감의 결여(60.0%) 등을 보였다.

6. 수술실 실습에 대한 기대감은 배운 이론적 지식의 활용과 수술실 복장에 대한 것을 제외한 나머지는 대체로 긍정적이었다.

7. 수술실 환자에 대한 응답자의 태도를 대화의 중요성에 대한 소극적 태도(45.3%)를 제외하고는 모두 긍정적인 태도였다.

8. 수술실 간호원에 대한 태도

수술실 간호원에 대한 일반적인 태도는 6개의 질문에 대하여 97.6%-100%의 응답자가 긍정적인 태도를 보였다.

9. 수술실 실습에 필요한 지식 및 기술의 준비에 대한 질문에서는 기초적 지식에 높은 정답율을 보였으나 특정 수술에 대한 지식 및 기구에 대하여는 정답표 기율이 낮았다.


The attitude of nursing students towards their operating room practice is a very important factor in the effectiveness of the operating room nursing program.

consequently, those responsible for structuring and planning operating room nursing learning experiences should be aware of the attitudes which nursing students have towards the O.R. and how these attitudes change while they are in training there.

The goal of this research is to discover what these attitudes are so that the knowledge can be used to design more effective training programs in the future. The specific aims of this study are as follows:

1. To delineate the general characteristics of the nursing students who enter operating room training.

2. To discover the preconceptions and feelings of tension which nursing students have towards training in the operating room.

3. To discover students' expectations about operating room nursing learning experences.

4. To find out about nursing students attitudes towards the patients and nurses in the operating room.

5. To determine how well nursing students are prepared with the skills and knowledge necessary for operating room nursing.

The 170 nursing students in this study were selected from among the junior and senior nursing students of five nursing colleges in Seoul. None of the students had had any previous operating room nursing learning experiences. Responses were elicited using a pretested questionnaire.

In general the senior students showed more positive attitudes than juniors, and particularly students who had had surgery themselves had much better attitudes than others.

The findings of the study were as follows:

1. The modal age of the students surveyed was 21 years of age (43.5%), the majority were juniors (79.4%) and more than half were Christians.

2. Most of the respondents (79.4%) had talked with their friends about operating room nursing practice and 21.8% of the sample had had one or more operations themselves.

3. Only a little more than one-third of the students (34.7%) had had instruction of 5 to 8 hours in the theory of operating-room nursing practice.

4. More than half of the respondents showed a positive attitude towards the operating room practice as indicated by positive responses on more than half of the fourteen attitude questions.

5. Expectations towards the practice were generally positive.

6. Most of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the patients in the operating room, but only 45.3% felt that it was important to talk with the patient.

7. The students were nearly unanimous (97.6-100%) in their positive attitude towards the operating room nurses, but 1.2% felt that the scrub nurse seemed to be a technician.

8. The respondent's knowledge and skill about general operating room practice was judged to be good, but knowledge about specific operations was poor.

9. The results of this study show that nursing students should learn to give comprehensive nursing care in specific nursing areas as well as general bed-side nursing.

10. Areas related to this study which might be investigated by future research include the attitude of the operating room nurses towards the operating room and a study comparing the attitudes of student nurses before and after their operating room nursing learning experiences.
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