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보철물 장착후 골 유착성 임플란트 변연골 소실에 관한 방사선학적 연구

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dc.description.abstract[한글] 저작기능 노출이 골유착성 임플란트 주위 변연골에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위하여 1991년 6월부터 1997년 10월까지 연세대학교 치과병원에 내원하여 임플란트 보철치료를 받은 환자중 누락된 측정값이 없는 46개의 임플란트를 대상으로 정기적으로 촬영된 구내 방사선 사진을 이용하여 디지탈 방법으로 보철물 장착 후 5년동안 1년간격으로 변연골 변화를 측정 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 보철물 장착시를 기준으로 하여 1년후에는 1.821mm, 2년후 1.833mm 3년후 1.892mm, 4년후 1.910mm, 5년후 1.957mm의 골소실을 보였다(P<0.05) 2. 상하악간 골소실량 비교에서 1년후 상악은 1.832mm 하악은 1.819mm를 보였으나 통계적유의차를 보이지 않았다(P> 0.05). 3. 남녀간 골소실량 비교에서 1년후 남자는 1.824mm 여자는 1.818mm의 골소실을 보였으나 통계적유의차를 보이지 않았다(P> 0.05). 이상의 결과로 임플란트 주위의 변연골 소실은 보철물 장착후 1년간 대부분 진행되었고 그후 4년간 임플란트의 첫 번째 나사(thread)부위에서 안정됨을 보여 우리나라 환자에게서도 중장기적으로 안정된 보철술식으로 인공 치아이식술이 이용될 수 있다고 사료된다. Radiograghic study of marginal bone loss around osseointegrated implants after functional loading Ki-Hyun Park, D.D.S. Department of Dentistry, The graduate school, Yonsei University (Directed by .Prof. Dong-Hoo Han, D.D.S., M.S.D., PhD.) Regular radiographic examination has been considered as an essential diagnostic method for the osseointegrated dental implantation. This study investigated the marginal bone loss through the measurement on the periapical radiograph around 46 endosseous dental implants. Marginal bone loss have been observed for 5 years after delivery of prostheses. The results were as follows : 1. According to the experimental periods, average marginal bone loss in total implant was 1.821mm in the first year, 1.833mm in the second, 1.892mm at third, 1.910mm at forth and 1.957mm at fifth after delivery of prostheses. (P< 0.05) 2. The average bone loss was 1.832mm in the maxillae and 1.819mm in the mandible in three years but there was no significant difference between the upper and lower jaw (P> 0.05) 3. The average bone loss was 1.824mm in males and 1.818mm in females in five years but there was no significant difference according to the sex. (P> 0.05) These results Indicate that the most of 7he alveolar bone loss occur within the first year after delivery of dental prostheses resulting in the exposure of polished neck positions, and the bone level stabilizes at first thread portion of the implant fixtures. [영문] Regular radiographic examination has been considered as an essential diagnostic method for the osseointegrated dental implantation. This study investigated the marginal bone loss through the measurement on the periapical radiograph around 46 endosseous dental implants. Marginal bone loss have been observed for 5 years after delivery of prostheses. The results were as follows : 1. According to the experimental periods, average marginal bone loss in total implant was 1.821mm in the first year, 1.833mm in the second, 1.892mm at third, 1.910mm at forth and 1.957mm at fifth after delivery of prostheses. (P< 0.05) 2. The average bone loss was 1.832mm in the maxillae and 1.819mm in the mandible in three years but there was no significant difference between the upper and lower jaw (P> 0.05) 3. The average bone loss was 1.824mm in males and 1.818mm in females in five years but there was no significant difference according to the sex. (P> 0.05) These results Indicate that the most of 7he alveolar bone loss occur within the first year after delivery of dental prostheses resulting in the exposure of polished neck positions, and the bone level stabilizes at first thread portion of the implant fixtures.-
dc.publisher연세대학교 대학원-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.title보철물 장착후 골 유착성 임플란트 변연골 소실에 관한 방사선학적 연구-
dc.title.alternativeRadiographic study of marginal bone loss around osseointegrated implants after functional loading-
dc.contributor.alternativeNamePark, Ki Hyun-
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과) > 2. Thesis


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