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서울특별시 거주 부인의 출산간격에 대한 분석

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 (An) analysis of birth interval in Seoul area 
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본 연구는 연세대학교 인구 및 가족계획 연구소에서 전국을 대상으로 실시한 인구동태 개선사업을 위한 중복조사 자료 중 서울특별시 각 구에서 2회 이상 출산 경험이 있는 부인을 층화임의 추출방법으로 20% 추출하고 여기에 추출된 1,097명을 대상으로 그들이 낳은 출생아의 출산간격 및 출산간격에 영향을 미치는 변수들을 분석한 것인데 그 결과는 다음과 같다.

1. 출생아 순위별 출산간격은 출생아 1∼2순위가 31.5개월, 2∼3순위가 36.1개월, 3∼4순위가 38.1개월, 4∼ 5순위가 45.4개월, 5∼ 6순위가 54.1개월로 나타나 출생 순위가 높아짐에 따라 간격이 길어지는 경향을 보였다.

2. 출생아 쳔 순위부터 마지막 순위까지 각 출생아 출산간격중 25∼ 36개월의 연령별 간격이 평균 43%로서 가장 높은 분포를 나타냈다.

3. 종속변수인 출산간격에 영향을 미치는 변수들을 출생아 1순위부터 8순위까지 전체적으로 볼 때 8개의 독립변수가 유의한 변수 (P<0,001)로서 38%에서 47%까지 출산간격을 설명할 수 있었고 현존 자녀수(β : 0.47), 임신횟수(β : -0.30), 인공유산 횟수(β : 0.2

6), 출생아 순위 (β = 0.24)가 종속변수에 영창을 미치는 중요한 변수로 나타났다.

4.출생아 순위별 출산간격에 영창을 미치는 변수를 순위별로 볼 때 1∼2순위 간격에서는 5개의 독립변수가 유의한 변수로서 종속변수를 3.6%에서 4.5%까지 설명할 수 있었고 영아 사망수(β = 0.25) 임신횟수(β : 0.17)가 출산간격에 영향을 미치는 중요한 변수로

나타났으며 2∼3순위 간격에서는 8개의 독립변수가 유의한 변수(P<0.001)로서 10.0%에서 20.2%까지 출산간격을 설명할 수 있었고 모성연령 (β : 0.36), 인공유산 횟수(β : 0.27), 현존 자녀수(β = 0.24)가 출산간격에 영향을 미치는 중요한 변수로 나타났으며 3∼4

순위 간격에서는 6개의 변수가 유의한 변수(P<0.001)로서 출산간격을 38.2%에서 41.8%까지 설명할 수 있었고 모성연령 (β : 1.1), 인공유산 횟수 (β : 0.13)가 출산간격에 영향을 미치는데 중요한 변수로 나타났다.

4순위 이후의 간격에서는 모든 독립변수들이 60% 이상 종속변수인 출산간격을 설명할 수 있었고 (β)의 크기로 보아 모성연령과 임신횟수, 인공유산 횟수가 출산간격에 영향을 미치는데 중요한 변수로 나타났다.

An Analysis of Birth Interval in Seoul Area

Se Yeong Hyun

Graduate School of Health Science and Management Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Dongwoo Lee, M. Sc.)

Recently, studies on birth interval became an important issue in measuring the

effects of a national family planning programme to the level of ferility rate,

specially for areas where a large proportion of women were participating family

planning programme. Birth interval, short or long, is related to mother and child

health. The short interval between two consecutive live birth, according to Eastman

(1944), showed that infant mortality and prevalence rate of various disease were

higher than the rates from the children with a long birth interval.

The purpose of this study, therefor, was to measure birth intervals and to

examine its related variables that are able to explain the birth interval.

Statistical information for this study was from the women who lived in Seoul area

in 1978 and responded to the survey of the National Vital Statistics Improvement

Programme, conducted by the Institute of Population and Family Planning, Yonsei

University. A total number of 1,097 women were reselected from the surveyed

households with whose wives had two or more live births. Selection of the sample

was by one stage stratified random sampling.

Multiple stepwise selection of the independent varialbes by the SPSS was the

major technique of explaning the dependent variable, the birth interval, for this


Major findings from the analysis were summarized as follows:

1. Average birth interval between two cosecurive live birth was, 31.5 months

between first and second birth. 36.1 months between second and third birth, 38.1

months between third and fourth birth, 47.4 months between fourth and fifth birth,

54.1 months between fifth and sixth birth. The average birth interval became long

when the order of birth became high.

2. In each birth interval, the most frequent interval was from 25 months to 36

months which occupied 40 per cent of more.

3. Eight independent variables, number of living children, number of induced

abortion, number of child death, mother's education, number of pregnancy order of

birth, period of breast feeding and sex, were found significant variables for

explaining the birth interval. These eight variables explained the interval about

47 per cent in terms of coefficint of determination by a linear multiple


4. By birth order the most significnat variable contributed to explaining the

birth interval was found infant death (β=0.25) for the interval between first and

second birth, mother's age(β=0.36) for the interval between second and third, also

mother's age for the interval between third and fourth of more.


Recently, studies on birth interval became an important issue in measuring the effects of a national family planning programme to the level of ferility rate, specially for areas where a large proportion of women were participating family planning programme. Birth interval, short or long, is related to mother and child

health. The short interval between two consecutive live birth, according to Eastman (1944), showed that infant mortality and prevalence rate of various disease were higher than the rates from the children with a long birth interval.

The purpose of this study, therefor, was to measure birth intervals and to examine its related variables that are able to explain the birth interval.

Statistical information for this study was from the women who lived in Seoul area in 1978 and responded to the survey of the National Vital Statistics Improvement Programme, conducted by the Institute of Population and Family Planning, Yonsei University. A total number of 1,097 women were reselected from the surveyed

households with whose wives had two or more live births. Selection of the sample was by one stage stratified random sampling.

Multiple stepwise selection of the independent varialbes by the SPSS was the major technique of explaning the dependent variable, the birth interval, for this study.

Major findings from the analysis were summarized as follows:

1. Average birth interval between two cosecurive live birth was, 31.5 months between first and second birth. 36.1 months between second and third birth, 38.1 months between third and fourth birth, 47.4 months between fourth and fifth birth,

54.1 months between fifth and sixth birth. The average birth interval became long when the order of birth became high.

2. In each birth interval, the most frequent interval was from 25 months to 36 months which occupied 40 per cent of more.

3. Eight independent variables, number of living children, number of induced abortion, number of child death, mother's education, number of pregnancy order of birth, period of breast feeding and sex, were found significant variables for explaining the birth interval. These eight variables explained the interval about 47 per cent in terms of coefficint of determination by a linear multiple regression.

4. By birth order the most significnat variable contributed to explaining the birth interval was found infant death (β=0.25) for the interval between first and second birth, mother's age(β=0.36) for the interval between second and third, also

mother's age for the interval between third and fourth of more.
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