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척수손상환자의 우울과 신체상과의 관계 연구

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dc.description.abstract[한글] 경제성장과 산업이 발달함에 따라 산업재해로 인해 발생하는 척수손상환자의 수가 매년 증가하는 추세에 있다. 우울과 신체상은 이러한 척수손상환자들의 재활에 부정적 영향을 미치는 심리반응으로 지적되는데, 우울과 신체상과의 관계에 대한 이해는 간호원이 과학 적으로 심리요구를 사정하고 간호진단을 내리는데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 우울과 신체상과의 관계를 규명하여 간호사정을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 시도하였다. 연구대상은 인천시와 강원도에 소재하고 있는 재활원과 병원에 산업재해로 입원하고 있는 척수손상환자 80명이었다. 자료수집기간은 1986년 10월 12일부터 10월 20일 까지 였다. 연구도구는 구조화된 질문지를 사용하였는데 이것은 Zung의 자가평가우울척도 (Self-Rating Depression Scale) 20문항, Secord 와Jourard가 개발한 신체만족도 도구(Body Cathexis Scale) 48문항,Osgood에 의해 개발된 의미척도법을 기초로 정추자가 제작한 신체의미측정 도구 22문항, 대상자의 일반적 특성에 관련된 12문항, 총103 문항으로 구성되었다. 수집된 자료의 분석을 위하여 일반적 특성은 실수와 백분율을, 우울과 신체상의 정도는 평균과 표준편차를, 우울과 신체상의 관계는 피어슨적율 상관계수를, 우울과 일반적 특성과의 관계는 분산분석을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 척수손상환자의 우울정도는 평균56.125점으로 나타나 Zung의 분류방법에 의하면 척수손상환자는 경증우울을 경험하는 것으로 나타났다. 2. 척수손상환자의 신체상의 정도는 신체만족도 평균119.02점으로 나타나 척수손상환자의 신체 각부분과 기능에 대한 만족도는 낮다고 할 수 있다. 또 신체의미는 평균79.662점으로 나타나 척수손상환자의 신체태도는 부정적이라 할 수 있다. 3. 척수손상환자의 우울과 신체상과의 관계를 보기 위해 가설을 검정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) "척수손상환자의 신체만족도가 낮을수록 우울정도가 높을 것이다."는 지지되었다 (r=-.3475, p<.05) 2) 척수손상환자의 신체의미정도가 낮을 수록 우울정도가 높을 것이다."는 지지되었다. (r=-.4399, p<.05) 4. 척수손상환자의 우울과 관계있는 일반적 특성에서 종교, 결혼상태, 형제순위가 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. (F=2.499, F=4.910, F=3.793, P<.05) 결론적으로 척수손상환자의 우울과 신체상과는 역상관관계 가지는 것으로 나타나 척수손상환자의 신체상이 낮을수록 우울정도가 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. A Study of The Relationship Between Depression and Body Image for Patients with Spinal Cord Injuries. Han, Ju Rang Department of Nursing Education The Graduate School of Education Yonsei University (Directed by Professor Chung, Hyun Sook) The Patients with spinal cord injuries due to industrial Accidents are increasing Steadily with economic and industrial growth and development. The depression and the body image are negative psychologic responses to have an Influence on rehabilitation. To perceive the relationship between depression and body image may help in the assessment of the psychological needs of the patients with spinal cord Injuries. Therefore this study was done to determine the relationship between depression and body image for patients with spinal cord injuries . Therefore this study was done to determine the relationship between depression and body image for patients with spinal cord Injuries . The subjects were consisted of 80 patients with spinal cord injuries from the Industrial accident hospital and the rehabilitation center in Inchon and Kang-Won provinces . Data collection was done for 8 days from October, 12th to October, 20th, 1986 by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 103 items that were 20 items of Self-Rating Depression Scale, 48 items of Body Cathexls Scale, 22 items of Body Meaning Measurement Scale, and 12 items of the demographic data. Analysis of data was done by use of percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Correlalion Coefficient, and AN0VA. 2. In body image score in patient with spinal cord injuires, Mean score of Bady Cathexis was 119.02 and mean score of Body Meaning was 75.662. 3. The findings of hypothexis testing to perceive the relationship between depression and body image in patient with spinal cord injuries were as follows: 1) "The lower the Body Cathexis Scored the higher the depression score" was accepted. (r=-.3475, p<.05). 2) "The lower the Body Meaning Score, the higher the depression was accepted. (r=-.4399, p<.05). 4. Demographic factors related to depression In patients with spinal cord injuries were religion, ranking among the sibling and existence of marriage. In conclusion, there was negative relationship between depression and body image. [영문] The Patients with spinal cord injuries due to industrial Accidents are increasing Steadily with economic and industrial growth and development. The depression and the body image are negative psychologic responses to have an Influence on rehabilitation. To perceive the relationship between depression and body image may help in the assessment of the psychological needs of the patients with spinal cord Injuries. Therefore this study was done to determine the relationship between depression and body image for patients with spinal cord injuries . Therefore this study was done to determine the relationship between depression and body image for patients with spinal cord Injuries . The subjects were consisted of 80 patients with spinal cord injuries from the Industrial accident hospital and the rehabilitation center in Inchon and Kang-Won provinces . Data collection was done for 8 days from October, 12th to October, 20th, 1986 by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 103 items that were 20 items of Self-Rating Depression Scale, 48 items of Body Cathexls Scale, 22 items of Body Meaning Measurement Scale, and 12 items of the demographic data. Analysis of data was done by use of percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Correlalion Coefficient, and AN0VA. 2. In body image score in patient with spinal cord injuires, Mean score of Bady Cathexis was 119.02 and mean score of Body Meaning was 75.662. 3. The findings of hypothexis testing to perceive the relationship between depression and body image in patient with spinal cord injuries were as follows: 1) "The lower the Body Cathexis Scored the higher the depression score" was accepted. (r=-.3475, p<.05). 2) "The lower the Body Meaning Score, the higher the depression was accepted. (r=-.4399, p<.05). 4. Demographic factors related to depression In patients with spinal cord injuries were religion, ranking among the sibling and existence of marriage. In conclusion, there was negative relationship between depression and body image.-
dc.publisher연세대학교 교육대학원-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.title척수손상환자의 우울과 신체상과의 관계 연구-
dc.title.alternative(A) study of the relationship between depression and body image for patients with spinal cord injuries-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameHan, Ju Rang-
Appears in Collections:
3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 2. Thesis


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