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서울시내 보건간호원의 역할갈등과 직무만족에 관한 연구

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 (A) study of the role conflict and job satisfaction of public health nurses in Seoul health centers 
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우리나라 공중보건사업은 1956년 보건소법이 제정 공포되면서부터 그 기틀이 마련되었고 오늘에 이르기 까지 계속적인 발전을 거듭해왔다. 그 후 인구의 증가로 인한 사업대상 인구의 증가와 경제사회발전으로 인한 생활수준의 향상으로 국민보건 수준의 향상은 물론 보건의료 요구도 다양해졌고 또한 양질의 서비스를 요구하게 되었다. 이러한 사회적 요구에 부응하기 위해 공중보건사업의 일익을 담당하는 보건소의 보건간호원은 지역사회주민의 건강요구를 충족시키기 위한 건강사업을 제공하는 전문직업인으로서 다양한 역할을 담당하게 되었다. 이러한 다양한 역할을 담당하는 보건간호원이 지역사회주민의 건강요구를 효과적으로 충족시키기 위해서는 보건간호원이 자신의 직업에 대한만족감이 우선되어져야 한다고본다. 그러므로 본 연구자는 서울시내 보건간호원이 보건소 조직내에서 그의 업무수행과 연관하여 인지하는 역할갈등과 역할모호의 정도를 파악하고 역할갈등 유형과 역할모호 유형중에서 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 요인을 규명함으로써 보건간호원의 역할갈등, 역할모호의 관리를 위해서 필요한 동기부여를 주기 위한 사항을 파악하기 위하여 시도하였다.

연구대상은 서울시내 보건소의 보건간호원 정원 505명 1987년 10월 23일 보수교육에 참석한 251명 대상으로 질문지를 배부하고 수집하였다.

연구도구로는 Rizzo, House, Lirthman(1978)이 개발한 역할갈등, 역할갈등, 역할모호 측정도구와 Paula, Eugene, Dinah, Ann(1978)이 개발한 건강전문직 인력을 위한 직무만족 측정도구를 기초로 문항분석 신뢰도 검증을 거쳐 사용하였다. 수집된 자료는 인구사회학적 특성은 백분율을 산출하고 역할갈등, 역할모호, 직무만족의 정도는 평균평점을 인구사회학적 특성과 역할갈등, 역할모호, 직무만족의 관계는 분산분석 (ANOVA)을 변수간의 상관성과 가설검증은 단순상관계수 (Pearson Correlation Coeflicient)을 직무만족에 대한

예측요인의 분석은 단계적 중회귀 분석( Stepwise Multiple Regression)을 사용하였다.

본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.

1. 가설검증에서는 제1가설, "보건간호원의 역할갈등이 높을 수록 직무만족은 낮을 것이다"는 지지되었다 ( r=-0.55, p<0.01). 제2가설, "보건간호원의 역할모호가 높을 수록 직무만족은 낮을 것이다"는 지지되었다( r=-0.37, p<0.01).

2. 대상자의 역할갈등 정도는 최대평점 5점에 대해 평균 3.25점이었으며 역할모호는 최대평점 5점에 평균2.79점으로 역할모호보다는 역할갈등이 높았다. 직무만족 정도는 최대평점 5점에 대해 평균 2.63점이었다.

3. 인구사회학적 특성과 역할갈등, 역할모호, 직무만족의 관계에서 역할갈등은 연령이 적을수록 역할갈등을 많이 느끼고 있었다( F=5.66, p<0.01). 역할갈등과 결혼유무에서는 미혼자가 기혼자보다는 역할갈등을 많이 느끼고 있었다( F=4.20, p<0.05). 역할갈등과 학

력에서는 간호학과이상의 졸업인 경우 역할갈등을 많이 느끼고 있었다( F=4.75, p<0.01).

역할갈등과 경력에서는 경력 1년미만인 경우 역할갈등을 제일 많이 느끼고 있었다(F=3.10, p<0.01).

인구사회학적 특성과, 역할모호에서는 경력 1년미만인 경우 역할모호로 호를 제일 많이 느끼고 있었다(F=2.48, p<0.05).

인구사회학적 특성과 직무만족에서는 연령이 많을수록 직무에 만족하고 있었다(F=18.52. p<0.01).

결혼유무와 직무만족에서는 기혼자군이 미혼자군보다는 직무에 더 만족하고 있었다 (F=7.34, p<0.01).

학력과 직무만족에서는 간호학교 졸업인 경우가 간호전문대이상 졸업인 경우보다 직무에 더 만족하고 있었다(F=12.40, p<0.01). 수입과 직무만족에서는 수입이 높은 군이 직무에 더 만족하고 있었다(F=4.81, p<0.01).

근무부서와 직무만족에서는 방역과가 보건지도과와 기타과보다 직무에서 만족하고 있었다(F=3.07, p<0.05).

경력과 직무만족에서는 경력이 많을 수록 직무에 더 만족하고 있었다(F=7.41, p(0.01).

4. 직무만족에 대한 예측요인의 단계적중회귀 분석에서는 독립 변수인 역할갈등 유형 (개인역할갈등, 역할전달자내의 갈등, 역할간 갈등, 조직구조적 갈등)과 역할모호유형 (결과나 반응의 모순성에서 오는 모호, 행동조건의 명료성에서 오는 모호)중에서 직무만족에

가장 높은 상관성을 보인 것은 역할전달자내의 갈등으로 직무만족을 30.8% 설명할 수 있었다 (R**2 = 0.3081, p<0.01). 여기에 개인역할갈등, 행동조건의 명료성에서 오는 모호를 첨가한 세 변수로 직무만족을 38.3% 설명할 수 있었다(R**2=0.3834, p<0.05).

이와같이 역할갈등과 역할모호로 직무만족을 38.3%밖에 설명할 수 없었던 것으로 보아 이외에 다른 요인들이 직무만족에 영향을 미치고있는 것으로 보이지만 역할갈등과 역할모호가 직무만족에 높은 상관관계를 갖고 있으므로 보건간호원의 역할갈등과 역할모호관리

를 위한 방안이 필요하리라 본다.

A Study of the Role conflict and job satisfaction of public health nurses in Seoul

Health Centers

Myung-Hwa Han

Graduate School of Health Science and Management Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Won-Jung Cho, D. Sc.)

Our country's public health project began from acting health center's law on 1956

and it has developed. After that the growth of population and the socioeconomic

development were required to improve health care. In order to meet this kind of

social need, public health nurses in health centers had diversified role. In order

to efficiently satisfy the health care need of community people, public health

nurses had primarily job satisfaction in health centers. Therefore this researcher

did to catch hold the extent of role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction

among public health nurses in Seoul health centers and the characteristic of the

subjects. Also, this researcher closely examined the type to effect upon job

satisfaction among the type of role conflict and that of role ambiguity. It was

also for offering motivation for the management of the role conflict and role

ambiguity of the public health nurses.

The subjects for this study were 251 public health nurses who were employed In

the health centers located in Seoul. The survey for this study was done on October

23th, by means of a questionnaire. The instrument used for this study was a

questionnaire based on the role conflict stale developed by Rizzo, et al. and the

job satisfaction scale developed by Paula, et al. This researcher subjected the

questionnaire to an internal reliability consistency test through item analysis.

The analysis of data was done using means, percentages, ANOVA, Pearson

Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

The results of study were as follow:

1. Using the pearson Correlation Coefficient for analysis of the hypothesis, it

was founded that:

1) The first hypothesis, "the higher the role conflict of public health nurse,

the lower the job satisfaction" was accepted (r=-0.55, p<0.01).

2) The second hypothesis, "the higher the role ambiguity of public health nurse,

the lower the job satisfaction" was accepted (r=-0.37, p<0.01).

2. Using the mean, it was found that:

The overall mean of the scores for the 15 five-point scale of role conflict items

was 3.25 and for role ambiguity items was 2.79. The overall mean of the scores for

the 24 five-point scale of job satisfaction items nab 2.63.

3. Using the ANOVA test, it was founded that:

The relationship between role conflict and age was significant (F=5.66, p<0.01).

Accordingly the younger group against the aged group had more role conflict. The

relationship between role conflict and marrital status was significant (F=4.20,

p<0.05). Accordingly the unmarried group against the married group had more role

conflict. The relationship between role conflict and education was significant

(F=4.75, p<0.01). Accordingly the graduate of nursing university against that of

nursing professional school had more role conflict. The relationship between role

conflict and tenure was significant (F=4.75, p,0.01). Accordingly the group under 1

teure had more role conflict.

The relationship between role ambiguity and tenure was significant (F=2.48,

p<0.05). Accordingly the group under 1 tenure had more role ambiguity. The

relationship between job satisfaction and age was significant (F=18.52, p<0.01).

Accordingly the aged group against the younger group had more job satisfaction. The

relationship between job satisfaction and married status was significant (F=7.34,

p<0.01). Accordingly the married group against unmarried group had more job

satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and education was

significant (F=12.40, p<0.01). Accordingly the graduate of nursing high school

against that of nursing professional school and over had more job satisfaction. The

relationship between job satisfaction and salary was significant (F=4.81, p<0.01).

Accordingly the high salary group against the low salary group had more job

satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and work type was

significant (F=3.07, p<0.05). Accordingly the division of prevention of epidemic

against the division of health guidance and other division had more job

satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and tenure was significant

(F=7.41, p<0.01). Accordingly the longer group of tenure against the shorter group

of tenure had more job satisfaction.

4. using Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis, it was founded that:

1) Intrasender role conflict could account for 30.8% of the job satisfaction

(R**2=0.3081, p<0.01).

2) Person-role conflict when added to this, could account for 37.3% of job

satisfaction (R**2=0.3730, p<0.01).

3) Role ambiguity from preconditions related to activities when added to this,

could account for 38.3% of job satisfaction (R**2=.3834, p<0.01).

This indicates that other factors influence job satisfaction, since the

combination of variables explained only 38.3% of the job satisfaction. But the

Pearson Correlation Coefficient between role conflict, role ambiguity and job

satisfaction among public health nurses was high. Therefore the resolution for the

role conflict find role ambiguity of public health nurses was required.


Our country's public health project began from acting health center's law on 1956 and it has developed. After that the growth of population and the socioeconomic development were required to improve health care. In order to meet this kind of social need, public health nurses in health centers had diversified role. In order to efficiently satisfy the health care need of community people, public health nurses had primarily job satisfaction in health centers. Therefore this researcher did to catch hold the extent of role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction

among public health nurses in Seoul health centers and the characteristic of the subjects. Also, this researcher closely examined the type to effect upon job satisfaction among the type of role conflict and that of role ambiguity. It was also for offering motivation for the management of the role conflict and role ambiguity of the public health nurses.

The subjects for this study were 251 public health nurses who were employed In the health centers located in Seoul. The survey for this study was done on October 23th, by means of a questionnaire. The instrument used for this study was a

questionnaire based on the role conflict stale developed by Rizzo, et al. and the job satisfaction scale developed by Paula, et al. This researcher subjected the questionnaire to an internal reliability consistency test through item analysis.

The analysis of data was done using means, percentages, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

The results of study were as follow:

1. Using the pearson Correlation Coefficient for analysis of the hypothesis, it was founded that:

1) The first hypothesis, "the higher the role conflict of public health nurse, the lower the job satisfaction" was accepted (r=-0.55, p<0.01).

2) The second hypothesis, "the higher the role ambiguity of public health nurse, the lower the job satisfaction" was accepted (r=-0.37, p<0.01).

2. Using the mean, it was found that:

The overall mean of the scores for the 15 five-point scale of role conflict items was 3.25 and for role ambiguity items was 2.79. The overall mean of the scores for the 24 five-point scale of job satisfaction items nab 2.63.

3. Using the ANOVA test, it was founded that:

The relationship between role conflict and age was significant (F=5.66, p<0.01).

Accordingly the younger group against the aged group had more role conflict. The relationship between role conflict and marrital status was significant (F=4.20, p<0.05). Accordingly the unmarried group against the married group had more role conflict. The relationship between role conflict and education was significant (F=4.75, p<0.01). Accordingly the graduate of nursing university against that of nursing professional school had more role conflict. The relationship between role conflict and tenure was significant (F=4.75, p,0.01). Accordingly the group under 1

teure had more role conflict.

The relationship between role ambiguity and tenure was significant (F=2.48, p<0.05). Accordingly the group under 1 tenure had more role ambiguity. The relationship between job satisfaction and age was significant(F=18.52, p<0.01).

Accordingly the aged group against the younger group had more job satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and married status was significant (F=7.34, p<0.01). Accordingly the married group against unmarried group had more job satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and education was

significant (F=12.40, p<0.01). Accordingly the graduate of nursing high school against that of nursing professional school and over had more job satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and salary was significant (F=4.81, p<0.01).

Accordingly the high salary group against the low salary group had more job satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and work type was significant (F=3.07, p<0.05). Accordingly the division of prevention of epidemic

against the division of health guidance and other division had more job satisfaction. The relationship between job satisfaction and tenure was significant (F=7.41, p<0.01). Accordingly the longer group of tenure against the shorter group of tenure had more job satisfaction.

4. using Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis, it was founded that:

1) Intrasender role conflict could account for 30.8% of the job satisfaction (R**2=0.3081, p<0.01).

2) Person-role conflict when added to this, could account for 37.3% of job satisfaction (R**2=0.3730, p<0.01).

3) Role ambiguity from preconditions related to activities when added to this, could account for 38.3% of job satisfaction (R**2=.3834, p<0.01).

This indicates that other factors influence job satisfaction, since the combination of variables explained only 38.3% of the job satisfaction. But the Pearson Correlation Coefficient between role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction among public health nurses was high. Therefore the resolution for the role conflict find role ambiguity of public health nurses was required.
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