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식품의 선호성향에 따른 잔식량에 관한 연구

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 (A) study on food preference through observation for the leaved food after meals 
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1981년 4월 1일부터 4월 30일까지 1개월동안 육군 ○○병원에 입원된 환자를 대상으로 식품의 선호성향에 따른 잔식량에 관한 연구를 시행하였다.

본 연구는 선호도가 잔식량에 전체적으로 미치는 양상을 알아보고자함을 목적으로 하였다.

모든 식품의 종류 및 기준량의 자료는 관계기관으로부터 얻어졌고 선호도의 파악은 1년동안 군에서 급식한 식품중 미리 준비된 조사표에 의해 시행되었으며 잔식량은 주식과 부식을 조리전과 조리후 각각 평량하여 배선한 실제의 량을 기준으로 하여 잔식량을 조사하였다.

이들 자료는 통계처리에 의해 얻어진 결과에 따라서 선호도와 잔식량과의 관계를 비교하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.

주식의 선호도는 쌀밥이 55.0%로써 가장 높았고 부식의 선호도는 육류 57%, 소채류 25%, 생선류 11%, 란류 7%의 순위였다.

보리방법에 따라 선호도의 차이가 있었으며 급식회수와 선호도가 일치하는 요리는 아주 적었다.

대상환자 중 잔식율은 24%이었으며 요리의 선호도와 잔식율과는 반비례관계가 있었다.

끝으로 대상환자의1일 평균 섭취열량은 3,392cal이었다.

이와 같은 조사결과를 고려할 때 앞으로 군 병원에서 선호도에 따른 식단작성을 위해 행정적인 뒷받침이 강력히 요청된다.

A Study on Food Preference through Obsevation for the Leaved Food after Meals

Choi, Min Kyu

Department of Public Health

Graduate School of Health Science and Management

(Directed by Prof. Kim, Myung Ho)

Aiming to observe any relationship between food preference and the leaved food

after meals, the study was conducted during April 1-30, 1981 (one month) for 202

in-patients at x x Army Hospital. The study results showed as follow :

1. The preference ration for the rice food was 55.0% which was higher than any

other that of grain food.

2. Each of the preference ratio for the material of food was 57% for fresh meat,

25% for vegetable, 11% for fish and 7% egg.

3. It was clearly found that the food preference was influenced by the cooking


4. The frequency of food intake was not related to the food preference.

5. The amount of the leveled food after melas was 24% in average.

6. The ratio of the leved food was different depending on ward and date of meals.

7. The ratio of the leaved food was proportionally changed by the food


8. Basal food composition should be balanced in quantity and quality.

9. The Calory intake by in-patients showed 3,392 Cal a day as mean.

10. It was suggested through the study that food preference should be considered

in preparation of menu as one of the important factors.


Aiming to observe any relationship between food preference and the leaved food after meals, the study was conducted during April 1-30, 1981 (one month) for 202 in-patients at x x Army Hospital. The study results showed as follow :

1. The preference ration for the rice food was 55.0% which was higher than any other that of grain food.

2. Each of the preference ratio for the material of food was 57% for fresh meat, 25% for vegetable, 11% for fish and 7% egg.

3. It was clearly found that the food preference was influenced by the cooking method.

4. The frequency of food intake was not related to the food preference.

5. The amount of the leveled food after melas was 24% in average.

6. The ratio of the leved food was different depending on ward and date of meals.

7. The ratio of the leaved food was proportionally changed by the food selsectivity.

8. Basal food composition should be balanced in quantity and quality.

9. The Calory intake by in-patients showed 3,392 Cal a day as mean.

10. It was suggested through the study that food preference should be considered in preparation of menu as one of the important factors.
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4. Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > 2. Thesis
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