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우리나라 학교급식의 실태에 관한 조사연구

Other Titles
 (A) fact-finding survey on the school lunch program of Korea 
Issue Date

우리나라 학교급식은 1953년 국제아동 긴급구호재단(UNICEF)에서 아동의 영양보충을 위한 분유급식으로부터 시작되었다.

그 후 1972년 외국원조가 종료된 후부터는 국고 및 학부모부담의 형식으로 학교급식이 발전하여 현재는 주당 5회의 완전급식을 전국의 402개 급식교 도시형, 농촌형 및 도서벽지형의 학교에서 실시하고 있다. 그러나 현행 학교급식의 실태에 대해서는 조사된 바 없

어 저자는 1981년 9월 1일부터 11월 30일까지 전국의 급식교 교장 및 각 학년주임교사를 대상으로 설문조사를 하여 회수된 자료로 현행 학교급식의 실태 및 그 문제점을 파악하고자 본 조사를 실시하였다.

회수된 교장 268명, 각 학년주임교사 1,455명의 설문자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다.

1. 전체 조사대상학생중 도시형은 미급식학생수가 27.7%를 차지했고, 농촌형 및 도서벽지형은 전학년을 급식하고 있었다.

2. 급식 횟수는 주당 5회를 원칙으로 하고 있으며 년간 140∼172회의 급식을 하고 있었다.

3. 급식실시 동기는 문교부지정에 의한 학교가 대부분이었고 급식실시 학년은 도시형이 주로 3∼6학년을 대상으로 급식을 하는데 반해서, 농촌형 및 도서벽지형은 전학년을 대상으로 급식을 하고 있었다.

4. 학생이 좋아하는 급식물과 학교에서 실제 제공하는 급식물은 급식비의 부족과 시설부족으로 인하여 학생의 기호가 무시된 급식을 하는 경향을 보였다.

5. 급식용 빵을 학교에서 직접 만들지 않고 제빵공장에서 납품하는 것이 좋다는 의견(68.5%)이 나쁘다는 의견(38.5%)보다 높은 것으로 나타났다.

6. 급식비 지출내역을 보면 식품비에 67.4%, 운영비에 32.6%를 지출하는 것으로 나타났다.

7. 1회 급식비는 도시형 428원, 농촌형 230원 및 도서벽지형 217원으로 나타났다. 그 중 도시형은 학부모가 420원을 부담하고 있었고, 농촌형은 86원 및 도서벽지형은 200원을 국고에서 보조하고 있었다. 학교부담은 극히 저조한 편이었다.

8. 급식시설을 보면 22.6%의 학교에 식당이 있었고, 조리장은 대체적으로 협소한 것으로 나타났으며, 조리시설이 부족하여 간단한 급식물을 조리급식하고 있었다.

9. 급식관리는 영양사가 대부분 담당하고 있었고, 그 중 학생, 교사 및 학부모의 지원을 받는 학교도 상당수 있었다.

10. 영양사 및 조리종업원의 배치현황을 보면 영양사는 91.7%의 학교에 배치되어 있었으며 도시형은 제빵기사가 대부분 배치되어 있었다. 조리종사원은 83.2%의 학교에서 1명씩 배치되어 있었다. 전체 영양사와 조리종업원의 배치상황을 보면 대부분의 학교에 1∼3

명이 배치되어 있어 인력부족현상이 두드러졌다.

11. 학교급식교 교원의 연수교육 참가 여부를 보면 대다수의 교장이 학교급식에 대한 연수교육을 받은 적이 있으나 교사는 저조한 편이었다.

12. 학교급식위원회는 대부분의 학교에서 열고 있었고, 회의결과 학교급식 운영에 좋은 결과를 나타내고 있었다.

13. 현행 학교급식의 애로사항을 보면 도시형은 식당의 미비, 급식희망자 부족시 및 급식학생과 미급식학생과의 위화감 조성이 큰 애로로 나타났으며, 농촌형은 인력과 시설부족, 도서벽지형은 급식비 및 인력부족 전기시설의 미비로 인한 애로가 컸다.

14. 현행 학교급식의 필요성에 대해서는 학교보건, 학생의 식습관 개선 및 영양섭취면에서 꼭 필요하다는 의견이 높았고, 전국의 모든 학생이 급식을 받을 수 있도록 확대 실시하자는 의견도 상당히 높은 것으로 나타났다.

A Fact-finding Survey on the School Lunch Program of Korea

Kil Young Choi

Graduate School of Health Science and Management, Yonsei University

(Directed by Prof. Myung Ho Kim)

The school lunch program was initiated in Korea at the first since 1953 as the

relief purpose for poor pupils in the elementary schools. After about 20-year

foreign assistance food supply for school lunch, the school lunch program has been

continuously carried out with the national budget. This program with providing food

five times a week was implemented at 402 elementary schools. These 402 schools were

devided into three types of school lunch program ; urban, rural and remote village

and island types. Unfortunately it was hard to find out recent research works on

school lunch in Korea. Therefore the author tried to carry out the fact-finding

survey on school lunch program through the mailing questionnaire survey for

principals and classroom teachers in elementary schools as shown in this paper.

The survey results were summarized as follows from responses of 268 principals

and 1,455 classroom teachers :

1. For the urban type only part of total pupils (mainly for 3rd-6th grades)were

fed by school lunch program, however, on the contrary the rural and the remote

village and island type covered total pupils with the program respectively.

2. Mostly school lunch was supplied five times a week and 140-172 times a year in

the surveyed schools.

3. The food content could not meet pupil's desire because of shortage of budget

and insufficient facilities and equipments.

4. Bread supply from commercial factories was prefered by pupils rather than

self-cooking at the school.

5. 67.4% of budget for the program was spent for purchasing of food and 32.6% for

management of the program.

6. Total cost of each meal requested 428 won at the urban type, 230 won at the

rural type and 217 won at the remote village and island type respectively. Pupil's

parent support a part of each meal cost such as 420 won at the urban type, 86 won

at the rural type and 200 won at the remote village and island type respectively.

Therefore it is easily understandable that school budget occupied only little

proportion in the total cost of each meal.

7. 77.4% of surveyed schools had not the dining room and the kitchen were set up

with simple cooking equipments and had marrow space.

8. Most surveyed schools (91.7%) employed dieticians, and they carried out the

lunch program, however, in a few schools pupils, teachers or parents carried out

the program without employming dieticians. Also in the urban type most schools

employed bakers. 83.2% of surveyed schools had a cook on an average. Most schools

employed one to three employees for the lunch program thus it showed the

unsatisfactory numbers of employes.

9. Most principals have participated in the in-service education on the school

lunch program, however, only limited number of classroom teachers experienced the

in-service education.

10. The school lunch program committee was organized and held meetings in most

schools. The role of the committee was effectively carried out in most schools.

11. An unsatisfactory facility and equipment of dining room, occurrence of

unbalanced emotional feeling between fed and unfed group of pupils with the school

lunch program in the urban type were pointed out as problems from the current

school lunch program. Also, the lack of man power and facility in the rural type

and insufficiency of budget, lack of man power, and lack of electricity in the

remote village and island type were observed as problems.

12. Many schools disclosed necessity of implementation of the school lunch

program with such opinions as an improvement of school health program, improving

food habit and nutrition of the pupil. It was also emphasized that every school had

to carried out the lunch program for total pupils in each school.


The school lunch program was initiated in Korea at the first since 1953 as the relief purpose for poor pupils in the elementary schools. After about 20-year foreign assistance food supply for school lunch, the school lunch program has been

continuously carried out with the national budget. This program with providing food five times a week was implemented at 402 elementary schools. These 402 schools were devided into three types of school lunch program ; urban, rural and remote village

and island types. Unfortunately it was hard to find out recent research works on school lunch in Korea. Therefore the author tried to carry out the fact-finding survey on school lunch program through the mailing questionnaire survey for principals and classroom teachers in elementary schools as shown in this paper.

The survey results were summarized as follows from responses of 268 principals and 1,455 classroom teachers :

1. For the urban type only part of total pupils (mainly for 3rd-6th grades)were fed by school lunch program, however, on the contrary the rural and the remote village and island type covered total pupils with the program respectively.

2. Mostly school lunch was supplied five times a week and 140-172 times a year in the surveyed schools.

3. The food content could not meet pupil's desire because of shortage of budget and insufficient facilities and equipments.

4. Bread supply from commercial factories was prefered by pupils rather than self-cooking at the school.

5. 67.4% of budget for the program was spent for purchasing of food and 32.6% for management of the program.

6. Total cost of each meal requested 428 won at the urban type, 230 won at the rural type and 217 won at the remote village and island type respectively. Pupil's parent support a part of each meal cost such as 420 won at the urban type, 86 won at the rural type and 200 won at the remote village and island type respectively.

Therefore it is easily understandable that school budget occupied only little proportion in the total cost of each meal.

7. 77.4% of surveyed schools had not the dining room and the kitchen were set up with simple cooking equipments and had marrow space.

8. Most surveyed schools (91.7%) employed dieticians, and they carried out the lunch program, however, in a few schools pupils, teachers or parents carried out the program without employming dieticians. Also in the urban type most schools employed bakers. 83.2% of surveyed schools had a cook on an average. Most schools

employed one to three employees for the lunch program thus it showed the unsatisfactory numbers of employes.

9. Most principals have participated in the in-service education on the school lunch program, however, only limited number of classroom teachers experienced the in-service education.

10. The school lunch program committee was organized and held meetings in most schools. The role of the committee was effectively carried out in most schools.

11. An unsatisfactory facility and equipment of dining room, occurrence of unbalanced emotional feeling between fed and unfed group of pupils with the school lunch program in the urban type were pointed out as problems from the current school lunch program. Also, the lack of man power and facility in the rural type and insufficiency of budget, lack of man power, and lack of electricity in the remote village and island type were observed as problems.

12. Many schools disclosed necessity of implementation of the school lunch program with such opinions as an improvement of school health program, improving food habit and nutrition of the pupil. It was also emphasized that every school had to carried out the lunch program for total pupils in each school.
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