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청소년들의 약물사용 실태에 대한 문헌적 연구

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본 논문에서는 우리나라 청소년들의 약물사용 실태를 문헌적으로 파악하기 위해 1991년 6월 이전에 청소년들을 대상으로 하여 연구된 마마 및 향정신성 약물 사용 실태조사들을 대상문헌으로 하여 약물사용 규모와 약물사용 양상, 약물사용과 관련된 요인이 무엇인지

를 분석하고 연구대상 문헌들의 연구방법에 대해 살펴 본 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다.

1. 약물사용 규모를 보면 카페인 약물의 사용이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났고, 각성제,신경안정제, 수면제는 여자가 더 많이 사용하고 코카인, 암페타민, 마약, 흡입제, 대마초, 환각제의 경우는 남자가 더 많이 사용하는 것으로 나타났으며, 대부분의 약물에서 고교

생이 중학생 보다 더 많이 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 신경안정제, 대마초, 흡입제의 경우 비행과 깊은 연관이 있는 것으로 나타났다.

2. 약물사용 양상을 보면 약물구입 방법으로 비마약성 진통제를 포함하는 경우 약국에서 구입하는 경우가 75.3%로 제일 많았고, 마약 및 향정신성약물의 경우 친구나 선배에게서 구입하는 경우가 20.9%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 약물사용 이유로는 괴로움을 잊기 위해

가 41.8%로 제일 높게 나타났다. 약물사용 비용은 500원 미만이 58.3%로 조사되었으며, 약물 구입비용을 용돈에서 마련하는 경우가 학교 청소년 71.8%, 비행청소년 36.7%로 높았으나 비행 청소년의 경우 돈을 뺏거나 훔쳐서 구입하는 경우도 32.8%로 높게 나타났다.

약물사용 집단의 사용약물 수를 보면 한가지 사용이 69.2%로 가장 높았고 두가지 이상 사용하는 경우 학생청소년이 비행청소년 보다 더 높았다

3. 약물사용과 관련된 요인을 보면 종교의 유무와 약물사용간에는 관계가 없었고, 부모가 무관심하거나 과보호적일때 본드, 신경안정제, 수면제를 더 많이 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 학교생활에 흥미가 낮을수록, 학교성적이 나쁠수록, 친구가 없을수록 약물을 더

많이 남용하는 것으로 나타났다. 학생청소년의 61.8%가 약물을 혼자 사용하고, 비행청소년의 45.2%가 3-4명이 함께 약물을 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 대부분의 약물사용이 비위행위와 깊은 연관이 있는 것으로 나타났고, 특히 본드의 사용은 가출, 경찰서 보호, 금품

갈취 등의 비위행위와 연관이 깊은 것으로 나타났다.

4. 본 연구에 이용된 문헌들의 연구방법에 대해 살펴본 결과 약물남용실태조사는 대부분 남용 조사가 아니라 사용경험 조사였고, 약물분류에서도 약물분류에 근거가 없어 약리작용이 다른 약물을 같은 약물군으로 분류하는 불분명한 점이 있었다. 약물사용 양상 및

약물사용 관련 요인 조사에서는 약물별 조사가 되지 않아 약물종류에 따른 사용양상 및 관련 요인의 차이를 제대로 보여 주지 못했다.

A literature review on the drug use of adolescent in Korea

Hee Sook Chung

Dept, of Health science, The Graduate School of Health Science and Management

Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Il Soon Kim, M.D., Ph.D.)

The present study aims to uncover the reality of drug use of young people in

Korea. Based on the investigations of the use of Opiates and psychotropic drugs of

young people performed before June 1991, it analyzes the amount, modes of drug use,

and some (possible) relevant factors, and examines the method of research adopted

in those investigations under study .Some of the major results are summarized as


1. As far as the amount of drug use is concerned, it appears that Caffein drugs

is most frequently used. While female prefer to use Stimulants, Minor Tranquilizer,

and Hypnotic, male tend to use Cocain, Amphetamine, Opiates, Inhalants, Marihuana,

Hallucinogens more. In all these drugs, high schoolers use more amount of them than

middle schoolers do.

It manifested that there is close association between immoral practices and the

use of Minor Tranquilizers, Marihuana, Inhalants.

2. Concerning the method of purchasing drugs, if we include non-narcotic

analgesics, drugs are purchased at the drugstore in 75.3% of the cases. On the

other hand, if Opiates and psychotropic drugs are at issue, top prioritylies in

buying them from their friends or seniors(20.9%). The most compelling reason why

they use drugs, which amounts to 41.8% of the population under study, was to be

from hardships. As for expenditure for drug use, less than 500 Won were spent in

58.3% of all the cases. Money for purchasing drugs were from their allowance in

71.8% of young students and in 36.7% of delinquent youths. In the case of

delinquent youths, robbery and stealing also amount to the quite high rate of 32.8%

. In the number of drugs used by the population, use of only one kind of drugs is

the highest rate of 69.2%. The rate of using more than two kinds of drugs is higher

in students than in delinquent youths.

3. There seems no association whatsoever between religion and the drug use. If

parents are indifferent to or overprotective of their children, the use of

Inhalants, Minor Trasnquilizers, Hypnotic are more frequently used. Drugs are more

consumed, as they are less interested in schooling, as academic performance is less

satisfactory, as they have fewer number of friends.

About 62% of young students use drugs alone, while 45.2% of deliquent youths use

drugs 3 or 4 people as a group, Most of the drug use show strong association with

immoral practiced. In particular, the use of Inhalante is closely interwined with

immoral practices such as leaving home, police protection, capture of money and

other articles.

4. As far as the method of research used by the investigations under study, the

investigations of the drug abuse turn out to be mostly investigations of drug use

experience rather than that of drug abuse. In its classifications of drugs, since

there is no solid ground far classification, there are some unclarities of

categorizing drugs. In the investigations of the modes of drug use and the relevant

factors in drug use, due to the lack of individualized in vestigation per different

types of drugs, the differences between their modes of using and relevant factors

according to the different drug types are not clearly presented.


The present study aims to uncover the reality of drug use of young people in Korea. Based on the investigations of the use of Opiates and psychotropic drugs of young people performed before June 1991, it analyzes the amount, modes of drug use,

and some (possible) relevant factors, and examines the method of research adopted in those investigations under study .Some of the major results are summarized as follows.

1. As far as the amount of drug use is concerned, it appears that Caffein drugs is most frequently used. While female prefer to use Stimulants, Minor Tranquilizer, and Hypnotic, male tend to use Cocain, Amphetamine, Opiates, Inhalants, Marihuana,

Hallucinogens more. In all these drugs, high schoolers use more amount of them than middle schoolers do.

It manifested that there is close association between immoral practices and the use of Minor Tranquilizers, Marihuana, Inhalants.

2. Concerning the method of purchasing drugs, if we include non-narcotic analgesics, drugs are purchased at the drugstore in 75.3% of the cases. On the other hand, if Opiates and psychotropic drugs are at issue, top prioritylies in

buying them from their friends or seniors(20.9%). The most compelling reason why they use drugs, which amounts to 41.8% of the population under study, was to be from hardships. As for expenditure for drug use, less than 500 Won were spent in

58.3% of all the cases. Money for purchasing drugs were from their allowance in 71.8% of young students and in 36.7% of delinquent youths. In the case of delinquent youths, robbery and stealing also amount to the quite high rate of 32.8%

. In the number of drugs used by the population, use of only one kind of drugs is the highest rate of 69.2%. The rate of using more than two kinds of drugs is higher in students than in delinquent youths.

3. There seems no association whatsoever between religion and the drug use. If parents are indifferent to or overprotective of their children, the use of Inhalants, Minor Trasnquilizers, Hypnotic are more frequently used. Drugs are more

consumed, as they are less interested in schooling, as academic performance is less satisfactory, as they have fewer number of friends.

About 62% of young students use drugs alone, while 45.2% of deliquent youths use drugs 3 or 4 people as a group, Most of the drug use show strong association with immoral practiced. In particular, the use of Inhalante is closely interwined with

immoral practices such as leaving home, police protection, capture of money and other articles.

4. As far as the method of research used by the investigations under study, the investigations of the drug abuse turn out to be mostly investigations of drug use experience rather than that of drug abuse. In its classifications of drugs, since

there is no solid ground far classification, there are some unclarities of categorizing drugs. In the investigations of the modes of drug use and the relevant factors in drug use, due to the lack of individualized in vestigation per different

types of drugs, the differences between their modes of using and relevant factors according to the different drug types are not clearly presented.
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