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임상간호원을 위한 실무교육 과정으로서의 가족계획

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dc.description.abstract[한글] [영문] When Korean family planning services began as a part of the National Policy in 1962, the annual population growth was 3.0%. This growth rate has been decreased to 2.0% during last ten year period. And it seems imperative that all hospitals, as well as related organizations, should participate in family planning in order to contribute to achieving the National goal of 1.5% population growth by 1976, the end of the Third Five Year Economic Development Plan. Nurse should be considered the most important human resources in charge of the core of family planning services in any setting. For the family planning services in the general hospital setting, nurses as a core members contribute much as charge agent, motivators, counsellors, educators etc. A nurse can work with patients and their relatives when she is equipped with relevant knowledge and skills. Furthermore family planning cannot be ignored even in hospital setting where more comprehensive nursing care is needed. Thus, the general objective of this study is to provide baseline data for better programming of In-service education in family planning so that effective hospital family planning nursing services can be made a part of comprehensive nursing care contributing to the national population program and human welfare. In order to meet the general objective, this study has the following specific objectives: 1. To find out the general characteristics of the clinical nurses working in 'Y' Hospital 2. To evaluate their attitudes and practices of family planning 3. To assess their knowledge, attitudes and practices of population and family planning as professional nurses 4. To examine and compare data collecting methods for the planning of an In-service Educational Program 5. To explore the contents to be included in this In-service Education Program. The study population randomly selected one hundred nurses working in Y Hospital. a cross-sectional survey with questionnaires developed for this study was chosen for the study method. To collect reliable data, the questionnaires were distributed to and answered by the study population in a controlled situation. X**2 test and t-test was employed in analyzing the data. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. 'Y' Hospital nurses had a lower ideal number of children(X=2.02 and showed no strong preference for male children, and 74% of them expressed the desire to use permanent methods of birth control. 2. Of this thirty 'Y' Hospital nurses who were married 66.7% stated they were already practicing centracentive methods. Most of them preferred male methods of contraception. 3. According to objective evaluation about knowledge of various aspects of population and family planning, respondents from collegiate programs significantly know better the subjects on the average than did respondents from diploma programs of nursing. 4. There was a marked difference in the results of self-evaluation and objective evaluation in their family planning knowledge. It was found that the self-evaluation family planning knowledge seemed to be unreliable. Accordingly, the objective test methods appeared to be more reliable in the evaluation of knowledge levels. 5. The subject areas needed to be included in In-service education for the Hospital family planning services in Y Hospital are 1) rhythm methods, 2) tubal-ligation, 3) family planning effects of contraceptives, 4) population growth, 5) demographic transion, 6) population structure and 7) infant mortality facts. In addition, 1) various oral contraceptives, 2) basal temperature method, 3) laparoscopic female sterilization, 4) interferring factors of family planning, 5) anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive organs were additional areas to be taught to respondents from 3-year diploma schools of nursing. Demographic transition was one subject area in which the four-year graduates need further study.-
dc.publisher연세대학교 대학원-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.title임상간호원을 위한 실무교육 과정으로서의 가족계획-
dc.title.alternativeFamily planning as a part of the nursing-staff in-service education program-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameChun, Choon Young-
Appears in Collections:
3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 2. Thesis


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