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근관치료 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰

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dc.description.abstract[한글] 저자는 1976년 1월부터 1978년 12월까지 연세대학교 치과대학 부속병원에 내원한 17,250명 환자 가운데 근관치료를 받은 환자 728명 중 660명 773개 치아를 대상으로 성별, 연령별, 질환별, 부위별에 따르는 근관치료 환자의 실태와 그에 따른 내원회수를 조사하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 내원회수를 보면 1. 상악이 5.95회, 하악은 5.88회이었다. 2. 성별로는 남자가 5.79회, 여자가 6.02회이었다. 3. 연령별로는 55세 이상을 제외하고 상악이 하악보다 많았으며, 14세 이하에서 상악 7.42회 하악 6.76회로 가장 많았다. 4. 질환별로 치근단농양이 상악에서 6.34회, 하악이 6.14회, 치근단육아중 및 치근단 낭종은 상악 에서 2.80회 하악이 3.16회로 나타났다. 조사치아수를 보면 5. 상악 4전치 27.94%, 하악 대구치 25.87%, 상악 대구치 15.13%순이었다. 6. 질환별로 치근단농양이 45.27%, 치수염 37.51%, 치아파절 8.40%순이었다. 7. 20~34세가 전체의 51.99%를 차지하였다. [영문] In order to observe the frequency of visits and the distribution of ecdodontically treated parients according to age, sex, diagnosis, type of teeth, the author had surveyed the 17,250 outpatients of the Infirmary of the College Dentistry, Yonsei University from January 1976 to December 1978. 773 cases, 660 patients among 728 endodontically treated patients were studied. The obtained results were as follow; 1. The average frequency of visits were 5.95 in uppers and 5.88 in lowers. 2. The average frequency of visits were 5.79 in males and 6.02 in females. 3. At the age of under 14, the average frequency of visits were 7.42 in uppers and 6.76 in lowers. 4. According to diagnoses, the average frequency of visits in periapical granuloma or cyst were 2.80 in uppers and 3.16 in lowers. 5. The number of endodontically treated teeth had revealed as follow; upper incisors 27.94%, lower molars 25.87%, and upper molars 15.13% 6. The number of endodontically treated teeth by diagnoses were as follow; periapical abscess 45.27%, pulpit is 37.51%, tooth fracture 8.40%. 7. The number of endodontically treated teeth were 51.99% in the age of from 20 to 34.-
dc.publisher연세대학교 대학원-
dc.rightsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR-
dc.title근관치료 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰-
dc.title.alternative(A) clinical study on root canal treated patients-
dc.contributor.alternativeNameLee, Jong Man-
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과) > 2. Thesis


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