[한글]1960年代 以後 航空産業은 迅速하고도 大量輸送手段으로써 發展되어 왔고 또한 그 利用度의 增加로 航空機騷音에 對한 觀心이 高湖됨에 따라 美國, 日本 및 유럽等 先進外國에서는 이미 航空機騷音管理에 着手하여 騷音規制와 騷音被害補償 等에 이르기 까지 많은 努力을 傾注하고 있다. 그러나 航空機의 運航은 國家間 交流와 國際觀光客의 需要에 副應하여 每年 增加되고 있는 形便으로써 空港周邊住民들은 航空機의 騷音 公害로 인하여 日常生活에 영향을 받게되어 社會的인 問題로 登場하기에 이르렀다.
[영문]As the interest in aircraft noise prevails according to development of aircraft technology and increased in frequency of made for aircraft noise control and its damage compensation in many developed countries such as the United States, Japan, and European Countries.
However, because the negative impact of aircraft noise on human residence has become unbearable due to the increase in frequency of air transportation from international tourism as well as world trade, aircraft noise problem has been considered as one of the most serious issues in modern society.
This study focusing on aircraft noise control for Kimpo International Airport and its vicinity results in followings;
1) The area where the aircraft noise level is more than 90 WECPNL amounts 2.98 Km**2. Because this area is not suitable for residents it should be used as buffer zone.
2) The area with 81-89 WECPNL, building in which should be equipped with anti-noise facilities, amounts 13.17 Km**2.
3) As far as 75 WECPNL area is concerned, particular buildings such as shools, hospitals should be equpped with anti-noise facilities. The area with less than 70 WECPNL is considered suitable for normal residents without any additional
anti-noise facilities.
4) Establishment of automatic aircraft noise monitoring system for gathering basic data, legislation of noise control, and operation techniques minimizing damage from aircraft noise should be prepared as aircraft noise control strategies.
5) Polluter-pays-principle should be introduced and applied to the collection of revenue which can be used for installation of anti-noise facilities in residential areas with more than 80 WECPNL and for making compensation for damaged area and
housing units from aircraft noise, economic condition of society should be considered when the charge rate is determined.