Clinical observation of blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma
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세계 제 1차대전 을 전후하여 60%이상의 높은 사망율을 나타냈던 복부손상의 치료가 획기적인 발전을 거듭하여 사망율의 많은 감소를 가져왔으나 아직도 청장년층에서는 사망원인중 높은비율을 차지 하고있어 의사들의 많은 관심의 대상이 되고있다. 신속한 환자수송, 수액요법의 보편화, 항생물질의개발, 마취술의발달 등등이 환자치료에 획기적인 공헌을 한바있지만 다양해진 사고의 증가로 복부손상 환자의 치료에 많은 문제점이 남아있다.
저자는 연세의료원에서 1967년부터 1976년까지 치험한 221예의 복부손상 환자의 임상성적을 비교분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다.
1. 221예중 103예 (48.6 % )는 전반 5년에 발생 하였고 교통사고의 경우 81예중 59예 ( 72.8 % )가 후반 5년에 분포하여 약 2.5배의 신장을 나타냈다.
2. 남자가 178예로 여자보다 4배 정도 많았으며 40세 이하가 전예의 80 % 이상을 차지하였다.
The care of acutely injured has traditionally been considered the province of the military. Methods developed principally during wartime have led to progressive reduction in war wound mortality. Recently, however, trauma has become a major civilian problem. So author made an analysis of 221 patients who were sustained blunt and penetrating trauma on the abdomen and treated in Severance Hospital during past 10 years, from 1967 to 1976.
The causes of blunt trauma (179 cases 81%) were car accident (81 cases 36.6%), violence (49 cases 22.1%), and falling (34 cases 15.7%).
The causes of penetrating trauma (42 cases 19%) were stab injuries (31 cases 14%) and missile (4 cases 1.8%).
The clinical manifestations were abdominal pain (92.7%), abdominal tenderness (84.1%), rebound tenderness (76%), rigidity (70.1%), diminished peristalsis (68.3%) and abdominal distension (51.5%) in order of frequency.
The isolated organ injuries were 105 cases (47.5%). Frequently involved intraabdominal organs in blunt trauma were small intestine (70 cases 31.6%), liver (54 cases 24.4%), spleen (50 cases 22.6%) and kidney (37 cases 16.5%) in order of frequency.
Associated injuries in extraperitoneal region were chest injuries (36 cases 16.3%), pelvic bone fracture and fracture of long bone.
Simple closure or resection and end anastomosis was possible in most cases of injuries of stomach, duodenum, small intestine, urinary bladder and diaphragm. In case of large bowel injury, primary closure with or without colostomy and resection and anastomosis were done. Liver injuries were treated direct suturese with drianage in most cases. The splenic inijuries were treated by splenectomy.
The major complications were infection, pulmonary. complication and sepsis. The over all motality rate was 10.04% and the main causes of death were hypovolemia, septicemia, brain injures and renal failure in order of frequency.