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가토자궁(家兎子宮) 및 수란관(輸卵管)의 adrenergic receptors에 관한 비교 연구

Other Titles
 (The) comparative studies on the adrenergic receptors in fallopian tubes and uterus of rabbits 
Issue Date


During the least several years interest in this Department has been centered on the role of catecholamines in the uterine contractility and to clarify the characteristics of adrenergic receptors I the uterus and their senstivity to amines in relation to ovarian hormones. Cha(1965) demonstrated that there existed both alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors in the rabbit uterine muscle and the response to epinephrine varied with the several phases of the hormone cycle. Lee(1967) reported that ovarian hormones played an important role not only on the growth and

spontaneous motility of uterus but also on the responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine of the uterus: estrogen enhanced the stimulatory response, where as progesterone enhanced the inhibitory response to epinephrine and norepinephrine of

the uterus. She claimed that such influence of ovarian hormones on the responses of the uterus to catecholamines was resulted from an alteration in the sensitivity of alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors to the amines. Han(1966) suggested that an

adrenergic mechanism was partly involved in the uterine effect of oxytocin.

Fallopian tubes are more or less convoluted muscular canals which extend from uterine cornea to the ovaries and may be considered to be an extension of uterus. The main function of the tubes is to transmit ova from the ovaries to the uterine cavity. It is generally known that peristaltic muscular contraction of the tubes is one of the main factors concerned in the downward passage of the ovum. Numerous investigators(Burdick and Pincus, 1935; Pincus and Kirsch, 1936, Whitney and Burchck, 1936; Budick et al., 1937; Alden, 1942; Black and Asdell, 1959; Noyes ey al., 1659, Greewald, 1960; Harper, 1964) demonstrated that estrogen increased the spontaneous contraction of the Fallopian tube and consequently accelerated the passage of ovum through the tubes, while progesterone had no influence on the tubular contractility (Black and Asdell, 1959; Greenwald, 1961).

From the above literature, it is clear that the motility of the Fallopian tubes is largely influenced by ovarian hormones. However little information is available concerning the influence of nerves on their activity. Fallopian tubes, like uterus, receive adrenergic fibers from the mesenteric ganglia and adrenergic mechanism would be undoubtly involved in contractility of the organ.

The present experiments were undertaken to investigate the characteristics of adrenergic receptors in the Fallopian tubes and the effects of varian hormones on the activities of these receptors, particulary in comparing with those in uterus. The response to oxytocine of this structure was also investigated.

Female albino rabbits weighing approximately 2.0kg were divided into normal, estrogen-treated and progesterone-treated groups. The normal group consisted or normal adult female rabbits in diestrus stage as judged by vaginal smear technique. Estrogen-or progesterone-treated group of rabbits were injected intramusculary with estrogen 4,000 IU or progesterone 10 mg once a day for four days. Experiments were conducted on isolated segments, about 1.5-1.0 cm in lengh, of Fallopian tubes or uterus, which were suspended in a muscle chamber containing 100 ml of Locke's solution, maintained at constant temperature of 38℃. A mixture of 95% oxygen and 5% if carbon dioxide was bubbled through the bathing fluid through a sintered glass

plate at the bottom of the chamber. The spontaneous motility was recorded on a recording paper by employing Grass polygraph through a force displacement transducer. The segments, after being washed several times with Locke's solution during a period of 30 minutes, attained a constant contractility and then drugs

were added into the bath.

The results obtained in this experiment are as follows:

1) Epinephrine and norepinephrine elevated the tonus and stimulated the spontaneous motility of the Fallopian tube segment isolated from normal rabbits. Comparing the responses to these amines of the isolated uterine segment, the stimulatory action of norepinephrine appears to be more pronounced in the Fallopian


2) The injection of estrogen into rabbits for four days enhanced markedly the spontaneous motility and responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine of the isolated segment of Fallopian tubes as well as of uterus.

3) The injection of progesterone into rabbits for four days depressed the stimulatory responses to epinephrine and norepinephrine of the isolated Fallopian tubes, and produced an inhibitory response to norepinephrine on the isolated uterus.

4) Oxytocin exerted an inhibitory effect on the isolated segment of Fallopian tubes and the inhibitory effect was not influenced by ovarian hormones. This drug produced stimulatory effect on the uterine segment from estrogen-treated rabbits, whereas an inhibitory effect was noted on the uterus from progesterone-treated rabbits.

5) Pretreatment with dichlorisoproterenol, an adreneergic beta-receptor blockade, appears to enhance the stimulatory activity of epinephrine on the isolated Fallopian tubes. On the other hand, the pretreatment with dibenamine, an adrenergic alpha-receptor blockade, rendered the Fallopian tubes to exhibit inhibition after the additio of epinephrine. These results suggest that there exist both alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors in the Fallopian tubes as those in the uterus.


The Fallopian tube, like uterus, contains both alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors. Alpha-receptor is concerned with the stimulatory response and beta-receptor with the inhibitory response to catecholamines. Estrogen enhances while progesterone depresses the stimulatory response to catecholamines. Oxytocin

inhibits the motility of the Fallopian tubes regardless of ovarian hormones.
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