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측정기에 따른 고에너지 X-선의 표면 선량 및 최대 선량 지점 고찰

Other Titles
 Consideration of Surface Dose and Depth of Maximum Dose Using Various Detectors for High Energy X-rays 
 이용하  ;  박경란  ;  이강규  ;  박영우  ;  이익재  ;  이종영 
 Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Vol.21(4) : 322-329, 2003 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology(대한방사선종양학회지)
Issue Date
표면 선량 ; 최대 선량 지점
Purpose: It is difficult to exactly determine the surface dose and the dose distribution In buildup region of high energy X-rays by using the conventional ion chamber. The aim of this study Is to evaluate the accuracy of widely used dosimetry systems to measure the surface dose and the depth of maximum dose (dmax). Materials and Methods: We measured the percent depth dose (PDD) from the surface to the dmax in either a water phantom or in a solid water phantom using TLD-100 chips, thimble type ion chamber, diode detector, diamond detector and Markus parallel plate ion chamber for 6 MV and 15 MV X-rays, 10x10 cm2, at SSD=100cm. We analysed the surface dose and the dmax. In order to verify the accuracy of the TLD data, we executed the Monte Carlo simulation for 5 MV X-ray beams. Results: The surface doses In 6 MV and IS MV X-rays were 29.31% and 23.36% ior Markus parallel plate ion chamber, 37.17% and 24.01% for TLD, 34.87% and 24.06% for diamond detector, 38.13% and 27.8% for diode detector, and 47.92% and 35.01% for thimble type ion chamber, respectively. in Monte Carlo simulation for 6 MV X-rays, the surface dose was 36.22%, which Is similar to the 37.17% of the TLD measurement data. The dmax In 6 WV and 15 MV X-rays was 14~16 mm and 27~29 mm, respectively. There was no significant difference in the dmax among the detectors. Conclusion: There was a remarkable difference in the surface dose among the detectors. The Markus parallel plate chamber showed the most accurate result. The surface dose of the thimble ion chamber was 10% higher than that of other detectors. We suggest that the correction should be made when the surface dose of the thimble ion chamber Is used for the treatment planning ion the supeficial tumors. All the detectors used In our study showed no difference in the dmax.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Lee, Ik Jae(이익재) ORCID logo
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