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액와 감시림프절 절제술만을 시행한 조기 유방암의 임상 경험

Other Titles
 Clinical Experience for Sentinel Lymphadenectomy Alone in Early Breast Cancer 
 이희대  ;  최진욱  ;  오기근  ;  유영훈  ;  김희정  ;  정우희  ;  송현정  ;  이일균  ;  박병우  ;  김도일 
 Journal of Korean Breast Cancer Society (한국유방암학회지), Vol.6(4) : 263-270, 2003 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Breast Cancer Society(한국유방암학회지)
Issue Date
T1 Breast cancer ; Sentinel lymph node ; Sentinal lymphadenectomy
T1 Breast cancer ; Sentinel lymph node ; Sentinal lymphadenectomy ; T1 유방암 ; 감시림프절 ; 감시림프절 단독절제
Purpose:This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of sentinel lymph node biopsy alone (SLNB) without axillary lymph node dissection.

Methods:Between Jun. 1999 and Dec. 2002, we carried out SLNB in 85 consecutive patients with T1 breast cancer whose sentinel lymph node(s) were tumor-free on intra- operative frozen section. Even when sentinel lymph node(s) turned out to be positive by permanent pathology, additional axillary lymph node dissection was not performed. Patients underwent total mastectomy or partial mastectomy and received an appropriate adjuvant therapy according to the characteristics of the primary tumor. All patients who had breast conserving surgery received postoperative radiotherapy to the remaining breast, but not to the axilla.

Results: SLNB only took 14 minutes and yielded no postoperative complications. Among the 85 patients whose sentinel lymph nodes were tumor-free on frozen section, 11 patients were diagnosed as metastatic in the permanent pathology. One of them had a macro-metastasized (2.5 cm) sentinel lymph node, and the rest had micro-metastasized sentinel lymph nodes. For 23.1 months of mean follow-up period, all the patients including a patient who died of liver metastases at 17 months showed no evidence of axillary recurrence.

Conclusion: No axillary recurrence following SLNB suggests that SLNB may be a good alternative to routine axillary lymph node dissection while providing less surgical morbidity in women with a small breast cancer. However, more patients accumulation and follow-up period will be needed for the final conclusion. (
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Yonsei Authors
Park, Byeong Woo(박병우) ORCID logo
Ryu, Young Hoon(유영훈) ORCID logo
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