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일 가정간호 교육기관 교육생의 임상수행능력 평가에 관한 연구

Other Titles
 A Study for the Evaluation of Students on a Practical Performance of the Home Health Care 
 강규숙  ;  김조자  ;  박희옥  ;  오의금  ;  이원희 
 Journal of Korean Academic Society of Home Health Cara Nursing (한국가정간호학회지), Vol.11(1) : 44-56, 2004 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Home Health Cara Nursing(한국가정간호학회지)
Issue Date
Home care education ; Practical performance
This study was conducted to investigate the evaluation of students on a practical performance of the home health care and to provide data for practical education on the home care nurse institution. Research was performed from March to December. 2002. 40 Respondents participated in the evaluation four times. The data were analysed by using the SPSS/PC + version 10. 0. The results of this study were as followings: 1. The average age of the subjects was 32. Majority of the subjects were interested in home health care. Majority of the subjects were staff nurse(57.5%) and workers at general hospitals(50%). 2. According to the result of the comparison of practical performances. performance evaluations of 20 items were higher when they admitted special practice than when they admitted any other practice. There was an positive increase in the evaluation of health assessment. nursing documentation. explanation. coping with emergency status. coordination and self assertion. In addition to health assessment. CPR. oxygenation. education & consultation. developmental assessment of child. nursing documentation. mastering nursing practice and consideration of client were significantly different. 3. The subjects were useful for practical circumference where they are working at. From these research findings. the following suggestions have been drawn: it is needed to manage practical curriculum variously and to include not only clinical aspect but also organic or administrational aspect and to reflect on students' needs and to choose to be reasonable items and to develop instruments for evaluation capability of home care nurse.
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Yonsei Authors
Kang, Kyu Sook(강규숙)
Kim, Cho Ja(김조자)
Oh, Eui Geum(오의금) ORCID logo
Lee, Won Hee(이원희)
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