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4세 설소대 단축증 아동과 정상 아동의 혀의 최대 신장 길이 및 혀의 운동성에 따른 치조음 발음 양상의 비교

Other Titles
 Comparisons of Lingual Function and Alveolar Sounds in 4-Year-Old Korean Children with and without Ankyloglossia 
 최재남  ;  김영호  ;  최홍식  ;  심현섭 
 Journal of the Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (대한음성언어의학회지), Vol.15(2) : 145-152, 2004 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics(대한음성언어의학회지)
Issue Date
Ankyloglossia ; Maximum lingual length-protrusion(MLL-P) ; Lingual movement ; Percentage of consonants corrects(PCC) ; Alverolar sounds
Background and Objectives : The current study aimed to 1) compare of Lingual function and alveolar sounds between 4-year-old Korean children with and without ankyloglossia, 2) investigate the correlation between ① maximum lingual length-protrusion(MLL-P) and percentage of consonants corrects(PCC) focused on alveolar sounds, ② lingual movement and PCC focused on alveolar sounds, ③ MLL-P and lingual movement.

Materials and Method : Twenty-two 4-year-old children participated as subjects in the study: a control group of 11 normal children and an experimental group of 11 children who were previously diagnosed as having ankyloglossia. They were measured for lingual function (lingual length, lingual movement) and the performances of speech articulation.

Results : Children with ankyloglossia displayed significantly shorter MLL-P than 4 year normal children. Experimental group displayed significantly worse lingual movement, lower PCC in Picture consonants test, and lower PCC of alveolar sounds than control group. Ther was significantly high correlation between MLL-P and lingual movement of experimental group.

Conclusion : This paper describes clinical measure and functional aspects of the tongue. Such baseline analysis provides a more definitive appraisal of lingual function as well as a more objective basis for diagnosis and treatment of ankyloglossia.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology (이비인후과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Young Ho(김영호)
Choi, Hong Shik(최홍식)
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