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ND:Yag Laser와 Electroacupuncture Stimulation Therapy(EAST)에 의한 치아의 마취 효과

Other Titles
 A Study on the Anesthetic Effects of Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation and Electroacupuncture Stimulation Therapy to the Teeth 
 안형준  ;  최우등  ;  최종훈  ;  김종열 
 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지), Vol.29(4) : 455-461, 2004 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine(대한구강내과학회지)
Issue Date
anesthesia ; electric acupuncture stimulation ; Nd YAG laser ; pain threshold
The purpose of this study is to compare and to clinically use electric acupuncture stimulation and laser irradiation which are non-invasive methods having possible increase in analgesic and anesthetic effects on teeth. 80 healthy males and females who were in their twenties without any specific systemic disease and oral lesion were chosen by history taking and oral examination Electnc acupuncture stimulation was applicate a on the point L14(hapkok) and Nd YAG laser was irradiated on the lower right central incisor. the results were as follows: 1. The mean pam threshold on the mandibular right central incisor was 10 45±1 87 in the group with no treatment, and 10.75±2 .07 in the group with shame electric acupuncture stimulation acrid Nd YAG laser Therefore there is no placebo effect between the two groups. 2. The mean pam threshold on the mandibular right central incisor was 14.55±2.30 in the group with shame electric acupuncture stimulation and true Nd YAG laser Therefore Nd YAG laser has anesthetic effect on teeth. 3. The mean pam threshold on the mandibular right central incisor was 16.45±320 in the group with true electric acupuncture stimulation and false Nd Y AG laser Therefore there electric acupuncture stimulation has anesthetic effect on teeth. 4. The mean pam threshold on the mandibular right central incisor was 18.15±336 In the group with false electric acupuncture stimulation and false Nd YAG laser Therefore Nd YAG In combioation with electric acupuncture stimulation has anesthetic effect on teeth. 5. There was no synergic effect in using Nd YAG laser in combioauon with electric acupuncutre stimulation. The results of this study show that inhibitory effects of pam induced by electrical acupuncture stimulation therapy and Nd YAG laser application were not sufficient enough to completely replace the role of drug anesthesia, but It will have many clinical applications in using these In combioation with other anesthetic methods.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine (구강내과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Jong Youl(김종열)
Ahn, Hyoung Joon(안형준)
Choi, Jong Hoon(최종훈) ORCID logo
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