Headache is a common disease which influences not only individually but also socially. Temporomandibular disorders(TMD) refers to pain and dysfunction within the temporomandibular joint(TMJ) and associated muscles. TMD is presented commonly, and 70% of population are found to have one or more related symptom. A number of studies have been conducted to verify the association between headache and TMD, and some authors have proposed that headache and TMD may be related. In this study, we studied the patterns of headache presented by the patients who visited the TMJ and Orofacial pain clinic. Among the patients participated in this study, tension type headache showed the highest prevalence(48.5%), followed by migraine without aura(15.0%), probable migraine(10.6%), migraine with aura(7.1%), probable tension type headache(4.8%), and other primary headaches(1.8%). The high prevalence of tension type headache may be due to the accompaniment of orofacial pain by pericranial muscle tenderness. Comparison of sex showed that the rate of migraine was higher in female than male(female to male ratio 35.8:25.3). In age analysis, the rate of migraine was high in the twenties(42.2%) and the thirties(40.0%). As the age increased, the rate of migraine decreased, and this trend was in accordance with the previous studies. The percentage of the patients who had previously received treatment was only 26.2%, and that of those who were aware of the diagnosis was merely 8.7%. Therefore, it is not common for headache patients to get treatment, however, since orofacial pain is often accompanied by headache, more systematic diagnosis as well as precise treatment would be necessary. Moreover, since TMD could induce and aggravate headache, proper evaluation and management of TMD would be essential for diagnosis and treatment of headache. In the future, more systematic and broad investigation on the influence of causative factors of TMD on headache as well as the change in headache pattern with the treatment of TMD would be required.