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한국 분만의료기관의 산전 검사 시행 실태에 관한 조사 및 산전 검사 권고안 마련을 위한 제언

Other Titles
 A Research on the Actual Condition of Antenatal Screening Application in Obstetric Clinics in Korea and Suggestions for Preparation of Antenatal Screening Guideline 
 채용현  ;  서경  ;  윤덕경  ;  오자랑  ;  이미범  ;  이경은 
 Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한산부인과학회지), Vol.49(1) : 55-63, 2006 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(대한산부인과학회지)
Issue Date
Antenatal screening ; Guideline
Objective: Many countries including U.S. have established their own Antenatal Screening Guideline suitable for their actual state to help Obstetricians detect pregnancy-related problems in clinical conditions. However, even investigations on the actual condition of Antenatal Screening in clinical conditions are not thoroughgoing enough in Korea. Therefore, this study was to survey the actual condition of Antenatal Screening in Obstetric Clinics in Korea.
Methods: Among 868 Obstetric Clinics, in which 100 or more cases of delivery were performed per annum according to an aggregate summary of the National Health Insurance Corporation in 2001, 848 clinics representing their correct address were selected to carry out a cross-sectional descriptive survey and understand the actual state of Antenatal Screening with literature review.
Results: Antenatal Screening Tests have been carried out in a diverse forms in Obstetric Clinics; some items (CBC, Urine analysis, VDRL test, ABO & Rh typing, HBs Ag & HBs Ab test, Triple test, Ultrasound, Rubella Ig M & Ig G test, Oral Glucose Tolerance test) of the test were performed as a basic test in 80% or higher of Obstetric Clinics; some items (Chlamydia test, PAPP-A, Chest X-ray, BUN, Creatinine, EKG, Cervix culture for Gonococcus) of the test were performed routinely in 10% or less of Obstetric Clinics or selectively in high-risk pregnant women; and some items (PAP smear, Blood chemistry, Nuchal translucency) of the test were performed on the basis of physician’s experience or given conditions.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, the role of Antenatal Tests as a screening test in clinical conditions is not evaluated properly under the current state. Thus, clinical assessment should be performed for each item of Antenatal Tests with respect to a screening test and systematic and efficient Antenatal Screening Guideline suitable for Korean conditions should be established in future studies.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology (산부인과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Seo, Kyung(서경)
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