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64열 심장 다절편 CT에서 발견되는 비심장 소견: 흉부 CT와의 비교

Other Titles
 Non-cardiac Findings on 64-Slice Cardiac Multi-detector CT 
 윤연이  ;  전은주  ;  최의근  ;  조영진  ;  이원재  ;  최상일  ;  최동주  ;  장혁재 
 KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL, Vol.38(5) : 276-283, 2008 
Journal Title
Issue Date
Tomography, X-ray computed ; Heart ; Lung
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Multi-detector CT (MDCT) is becoming more commonly used as a diagnostic tool for various cardiac diseases, and this modality can also incidentally detect a significant number of non-cardiac findings during cardiac work-ups. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the incidence of non-cardiac findings during cardiac MDCT and to compare them with chest CT. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We enrolled 1,007 consecutive subjects (mean age: 49+/-10 years, males: 63%) who underwent both cardiac and chest CT (64-slice MDCT) as a part of a routine health check-up. The subjects were evaluated for the incidence of non-cardiac findings and the therapeutic consequences according to the CT protocols during the mid-term follow-up (average length of mid-term follow-up: 533+/-39 days). RESULTS: Eight hundred sixty incidental non-cardiac findings were identified in 627 patients (62%) with cardiac CT. Forty-three subjects (4%) had clinically significant lesions that required additional diagnostic work-up or radiological follow-up, and these lesions were 23 cases of non-calcified nodule, 2 cases of ground glass opacity, 6 cases of pneumonia, 1 case of active tuberculosis, 2 cases of focal bronchiolitis, 3 cases of arterial lesion, 1 case of liver cirrhosis and 5 cases of extra-pulmonary masses. Five subjects (0.5%), including 2 cases (0.2%) of malignancy, had therapeutic consequences during their follow-up. Compared with chest CT, 68% (40/59) of the significant intrathoracic lesions and 67% (4/6) of the intrathoracic lesions with therapeutic consequences were documented by cardiac CT. CONCLUSION: In the present study, 4% of the asymptomatic patients who underwent cardiac MDCT were found to have significant non-cardiac findings that required further work-up. To avoid missing a number of clinically important findings, physicians who analyze cardiac MDCT scans should carefully evaluate not only the heart, but all the other organs that are within the scan range.
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Yonsei Authors
Chang, Hyuk-Jae(장혁재) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6139-7545
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