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Clostridium difficile 독소 A와 B를 검출하는 신속진단키트(tox A/B quik chek)의 유용성 평가

Other Titles
 Evaluation of Rapid Assay (Toc A/B Quik Chek) for the Detection of Clostridium difficile Toxins A and B 
 김수정  ;  김희정  ;  김명숙  ;  고은미  ;  김창기  ;  정석훈  ;  정윤섭  ;  이경원 
 Korean Journal of Clinical Microbiology (대한임상미생물학회지), Vol.11(2) : 112-116, 2008 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Clinical Microbiology(대한임상미생물학회지)
Issue Date
Clostridium difficile ; Enzyme immunoassay ; Clostridium difficile Toxin A ; Clostridium difficile Toxin B
Background: Toxin immunoassay is widely used for rapid diagnosis of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Tox A/B Quik Chek test (TECHLAB, Blacksburg, VA, USA) compared to toxigenic culture.

Methods: From September 2006 to August 2007, 959 stools were examined by Tox A/B Quik Chek test and toxigenic culture (C. difficile culture plus tcdB PCR using colonies obtained from culture).
Results: Compared to the results of toxigenic culture, the sensitivity and specificity of Tox A/B Quik Chek test were 47.5% and 97.5%, respectively.

Conclusion: The sensitivity of Tox A/B Quik Chek test was not high, but the specificity was high. Although Tox A/B Quik Chek test alone is not sufficient to diagnose Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea, it may aid rapid diagnosis, early treatment and prevention of nosocomial spread of the infection, if supplemented by C. difficile culture or tissue culture cytotoxin assay.
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Yonsei Authors
Koh, Eun Mi(고은미)
Kim, Chang Ki(김창기)
Kim, Heejung(김희정) ORCID logo
Lee, Kyungwon(이경원) ORCID logo
Jeong, Seok Hoon(정석훈) ORCID logo
Chong, Yun Sop(정윤섭)
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