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소아 간질 환아에서 뇌파와 PET과의 연관성에 대한 분석

Other Titles
 Analysis on the association between EEG and 2-deoxy-2-[18F]-D-glucose (FDG)-PET findings in children with epilepsy 
 허윤정  ;  이준수  ;  이종두  ;  김흥동 
 Korean Journal of Pediatrics, Vol.51(3) : 286-292, 2008 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Pediatrics
Issue Date
Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 ; Positron-Emission Tomography ; Electroencephalography
Purpose : We performed EEG and PET on children with epilepsy concomitantly in order to evaluate the effects of epileptiform and non-epileptiform discharge of EEG on glucose metabolism. Methods : Seventy three children with epilepsy who had PET and EEG simultaneously were included in our study. The subjects were classified in two ways: (1) based on the frequency of epileptiform discharge and (2) the severity of non- epileptiform discharge. We evaluated the clinical aspects of their seizures, the severity of focal slow waves during the interictal period with the frequency of spikes or sharp waves in order to compare with the PET results. Results : The subjects were divided by the frequency of epileptiform discharge, with 13 in the no/rare group, 7 in the occasional group, and 53 children in the frequent group. The concordant rates with PET in each group were 0%, 42.9%, and 67.9%, respectively, showing high correlations with the frequency of epileptiform discharge (P<0.05, r=0.491). The subjects as divided by the severity of non-epileptiform discharge were 15 in the no group, 25 in the infrequent group, 17 in the intermediate group, and 16 in the continuous group. The concurrence rates with PET for each group were 13.3%, 52.0%, 64.7%, and 68.8%, respectively, also showing a high correlation with the severity of non-epileptiform discharge (P<0.05, r= 0.365). Conclusion : Epileptiform discharge and non-epileptiform discharge in EEG showed a certain association with hypometabolism in PET. We recommend EEG to reduce false lateralization and to localize lesions in cases of high frequency and severity.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Nuclear Medicine (핵의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pediatrics (소아과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Heung Dong(김흥동) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8031-7336
Lee, Jong Doo(이종두)
Lee, Joon Soo(이준수) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9036-9343
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