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Indeterminate Cell Histiocytosis 1예

Other Titles
 A Case of Indeterminate Cell Histiocytosis 
 이상은  ;  김현정  ;  홍순원  ;  이승헌 
 Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지), Vol.46(5) : 724-726, 2008 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Dermatology(대한피부과학회지)
Issue Date
Indeterminate cell histiocytosis
Indeterminate cell histiocytosis (ICH) is a rare proliferative disorder of indeterminate cells, which express S-100 and CD68 antigens and show variable reactivity for CD1a, but lack Birbeck granules. ICH has been reported in both adults and children, as solitary or multiple papulonodules with rare extracutaneous involvement. We describe the case of a 2 month-old boy who presented with multiple flesh to brown-colored papules on the face, neck, and trunk. Histologic findings showed an infiltrate of histiocytes on the papillary dermis. The histiocytes were positive for S-100 protein and CD68, but negative for CD1a. Ultrastructural study with transmission electron microscopy showed no Birbeck granules, confirming the diagnosis of ICH. There was no visceral involvement and the cutaneous lesions showed spontaneous regression after 1 month
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Dermatology (피부과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pathology (병리학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Hyun Jung(김현정)
Lee, Seung Hun(이승헌)
Hong, Soon Won(홍순원) ORCID logo
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