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교육과학기술부 고시에 따른 초·중·고등학교 보건교육 실태

Other Titles
 Health Education Status in Elementary, Middle and High Schools by National Health Education Guidelines 
 이정열  ;  김은경  ;  오의금  ;  지호영  ;  조선녀  ;  정문희 
 Journal of the Korean Society of School Health (한국학교보건학회지), Vol.23(2) : 172-180, 2010 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society of School Health(한국학교보건학회지)
Issue Date
Health education ; Elementary schools ; Middle schools ; High schools
Purpose: To analyze the current status of health education and problems of elementary, middle, and high schools by national health education guideline.

Methods: Study subjects were 991 school health teachers of elementary, middle, and high schools in one province and the data was collected by mail. The data was analyzed by χ²-test and Fisher’s exact test.

Results: The rates of school health education implementation were 99.6% in elementary school, 98.1% in middle school, and 96% in high school. The rates of school health education were reported much higher than former studies. The most barrier in providing school health education was ’health room management during health education’. During health education by school health teachers, the health rooms were managed by other teachers in elementary schools or by locking the health room with announcement memo in middle and high schools.

Conslusion: To improve the school health education, higher school health teacher placement and administrative supports for health clinic were recommended.
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3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Oh, Eui Geum(오의금) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6941-0708
Lee, Chung Yul(이정열)
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