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고형 종괴 없는 파종성 일차성 역형성 뇌수막종

Other Titles
 Disseminated Anaplastic Meningioma without Solid Mass 
 Chang-Kyu Lee  ;  Yun-Ho Lee  ;  Kyu-Won Shim  ;  Dong-Seok Kim  ;  Joong-Uhn Choi 
 Journal of Korean Brain Tumor Society (대한뇌종양학회지), Vol.9(2) : 103-107, 2010 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Brain Tumor Society(대한뇌종양학회지)
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Facial nerve preservation ; Observational study ; Radiosurgery ; Subtotal resection ; Vestibular schwannoma
Meningiomas arising from the dural coverings of the brain are most common benign intracranial tumor. Mostly, meningiomas are dural based mass lesions and anaplastic meningioma is an uncommon variant of meningioma. We present a case of primary disseminated anaplastic meningioma without solid mass. A 19-year-old man admitted to the department of neurology because of a 6-month history of headache with nausea, vomiting, and back pain. Magnetic resonance images(MRI) of the brain showed lesions at the right mesial temporal lobe and ipsilateral trigeminal nerve, which showed irregular Gadolinium-enhancement. However, the lesions had no definitive mass formation. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery(FLAIR) MRI demonstrated high signal intensity on bilateral cingulate gyrus. Cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed a high opening pressure of 400 mmH2O. Protein was elevated with 338 mg/dL. White blood cell(WBC) level was high with 29 per high power field(HPF), and glucose decreased with 3 mg/dL. The patient underwent surgical resection for pathologic diagnosis. Pathological diagnosis was anaplastic meningioma showing rhabdoid features with multiple parenchymal and perivascular invasion He underwent radiation therapy includeing whole neuraxis. Even though primary leptomeningeal enhancement without solid mass in MRI and more suggestive to inflammatory disease on CSF examination are showed, it should not be rule out the possibility of malignancy. The pathological diagnosis of suspected lesion with unusual situation and uncertain behavior is extremely important.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Dong Seok(김동석)
Shim, Kyu Won(심규원) ORCID logo
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