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임베디드 기반의 휴대용 A-ABR 시스템 개발 및 평가

Other Titles
 Development and Assesment of an Embedded Portable A-ABR System 
 노형욱  ;  남기창  ;  장경환  ;  차은종  ;  김덕원 
 Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers of Korea (전자공학회논문지), Vol.47(3) : 48-55, 2010 
Journal Title
Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers of Korea(전자공학회논문지)
Issue Date
A-ABR ; hearing impairment ; embedded ; portable ; evaluation
Hearing impairment is one of the most common birth defects among infants. Significant bilateral hearing impairment have profound effects on speech and language development. But it can be prevented, if a hearing impairment is identified and treated in its early stage. ABR (auditory brainstem response) is useful screening tool for new born hearing test. However, the interpretation of conventional ABR should be done by a experienced audiologist and testing takes some time. Therefore, A-ABR(automated ABR) which detect ABR peak automatically have been developed recently. In contrast to A-ABR researches became active in overseas, there has been little study in Korea. In this study, we have developed a portable A-ABR system based on the results of our previous study. For the evaluation of the developed system, the clinical trials were performed on adults and infants. As a results, it showed good sensitivity (94.4%) and specificity (92.2%), and accuracy (93.0%) between clinical diagnosis and the developed A-ABR test
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Deok Won(김덕원)
Nam, Ki Chang(남기창)
Noh, Hyung Wook(노형욱)
Jang, Kyung Hwan(장경환)
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