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Showing results 41643 to 41662 of 80589

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2014Q-Ray View 활용이 치위생과정을 위한 치아 검사의 신뢰도 향상에 미치는 영향 Journal of Dental Hygiene Science (치위생과학회지)
2015Q-ray view를 이용한 유구치의 숨은 인접면 우식증 탐지 Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (대한소아치과학회지)
2015Q-ray view를 이용한 유구치의 인접면 우식증 탐지 Thesis
2008QA활동과 식스시그마 Quality Improvement in Health Care (한국의료QA학회지)
2014QLF-D, ICDAS, DIAGOdent를 이용한 발거된 치아의 교합면 우식증의 정량화 비교 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지)
2017QLF-D를 이용한 장애 아동 보호자의 구강위생관리 교육 : 증례보고Journal of Korean Association for Disability and Oral Health
2014QLF-D와 OCT를 이용한 초기 인공우식병소의 변화 탐지 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health (대한구강보건학회지)
2013QR code: Use of a novel mobile application to improve performance and perception of CPR in publicRESUSCITATION
2013QTc Prolongation after Ventricular Septal Defect Repair in Infants KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL
2024Quadriceps recovery and pain relief in knee osteoarthritis rats by cog polydioxanone filament insertion REGENERATIVE BIOMATERIALS
1994Quadricuspid Aortic Valve의 심초음파 소견 KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL(순환기)
2017Qualitative Analysis on Crystal Growth of Synthetic Hydroxyapatite Influenced by Fluoride Concentration Dissertation
2019Qualitative analysis on crystal growth of synthetic hydroxyapatite influenced by fluoride concentrationARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY
2010Qualitative and quantitative differences in the intensity of Fas-mediated intracellular signals determine life and death in T cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY
2023Qualitative and Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Phenotypes May Predict CDKN2A/B Homozygous Deletion Status in Isocitrate Dehydrogenase-Mutant Astrocytomas: A Multicenter Study KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2018Qualitative and Semiquantitative Elastography for the Diagnosis of Intermediate Suspicious Thyroid Nodules Based on the 2015 American Thyroid Association GuidelinesJOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE
2011Qualitative assessment of neointimal tissue after drug-eluting stent implantation: comparison between follow-up optical coherence tomography and intravascular ultrasound.AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL
2024Qualitative Comparison of Perceptions Regarding Patient Engagement for Patient Safety by Physicians, Nurses, and Patients PATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE
2022Qualitative focus group interview study of communication between patients, dentists and physicians for efficient osteonecrosis of the jaw practices BMJ OPEN
2013Qualitative pattern classification of shear wave elastography for breast masses: How it correlates to quantitative measurementsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY

