Yonsei Advanced Medical Science Research and Education (첨단의과학교육연구단)

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Deep learning improves prediction of CRISPR-Cpf1 guide RNA activity

Hui Kwon Kim ; Seonwoo Min ; Myungjae Song ; Soobin Jung ; Jae Woo Choi ; You... NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol.36(3) : 239-241, 2018

Sequence-specific prediction of the efficiencies of adenine and cytosine...

Myungjae Song ; Hui Kwon Kim ; Sungtae Lee ; Younggwang Kim ; Sang-Yeon Seo ;... NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY, Vol.38(9) : 1037-1043, 2020-09

Antigen-Specific IFN-γ/IL-17-Co-Producing CD4 + T-Cells Are the Determin...

Han-Gyu Choi ; Kee Woong Kwon ; Seunga Choi ; Yong Woo Back ; Hye-Soo Park ; ... VACCINES, Vol.8(2) : 300, 2020-06

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