Browsing by Yonsei Author : Yoo, Jeong Woo

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Yoo, Jeong Woo [유정우]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Urology (비뇨의학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024A prospective, randomized, open-label, parallel trial comparing the efficacy of α-blocker or 5α-reductase inhibitor withdrawal to continued combination therapy on the maintenance of lower urinary tract symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasiaPROSTATE
2023Metabolic syndrome-related factors as possible targets for lower urinary tract symptoms in Korean malesAGING MALE
2023Toward Precision Medicine: Development and Validation of A Machine Learning Based Decision Support System for Optimal Sequencing in Castration-Resistant Prostate CancerCLINICAL GENITOURINARY CANCER
2022Role of the elastography strain ratio using transrectal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and clinically significant prostate cancer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Deep learning diagnostics for bladder tumor identification and grade prediction using RGB method SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Usefulness of grayscale values of hypoechoic lesions matched with target lesions observed on magnetic resonance imaging for the prediction of clinically significant prostate cancer BMC UROLOGY
2022Characteristics of Patients Who Visit Urologic Outpatient Department via Health Promotion CenterKorean Journal of Urological Oncology
2022Usefulness of grayscale values measuring hypoechoic lesions for predicting prostate cancer: An experimental pilot study PROSTATE INTERNATIONAL
2022Korean Version of the Patient Perception of Study Medication Questionnaire: Translation and Linguistic Validation INTERNATIONAL NEUROUROLOGY JOURNAL(대한배뇨장애요실금학회지)
2022Pain control according to the periprostatic nerve block site in magnetic resonance imaging/transrectal targeted prostate biopsy SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Effect of systemic atherosclerosis on overactive bladder symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasiaLUTS-LOWER URINARY TRACT SYMPTOMS
2021Optimal duration of preoperative antibiotic treatment prior to ureteroscopic lithotripsy to prevent postoperative systemic inflammatory response syndrome in patients presenting with urolithiasis-induced obstructive acute pyelonephritis INVESTIGATIVE AND CLINICAL UROLOGY
2021Efficacy of additional periprostatic apex nerve block on pain in each of 12 transrectal prostate core biopsies: a retrospective study BMC UROLOGY

