Browsing by Yonsei Author : Park, Hyoung Woo

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Park, Hyoung Woo [박형우]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Anatomy (해부학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (7601566028)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 98

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2017Arterial supply of the human soft palateSURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY
2016Revisiting the Topographic Anatomy of the Marginal Mandibular Branch of Facial Nerve Relating to the Surgical ApproachAESTHETIC SURGERY JOURNAL
2016A Great Teacher of Neurosurgery in Korea: Hun Jae Lee (1921-1983) YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015헤론의 생애와 내한 과정에 대한 고찰 Christianity and History in Korea (한국기독교와 역사)
2015미국 북장로회 선교사 호러스 G. 언더우드의 내한에 관한 연구 Journal of Korean Studies (동방학지)
2015미국선교치과의사 쉐플리와 세브란스연합의학교 치과학교실 개설의 역사적 의의 Journal of the Korean Dental Association (대한치과의사협회지)
2014알렌의 의료 선교사 지원과 내한 배경 Christianity and History in Korea (한국기독교와 역사)
20131880년대 미국 북장로회 선교사 지침서에 대한 연구Theological Forum (신학논단)
2013제중원(濟衆院)의 선교부 이관에 대한 연구Korean Journal of Christian Studies (한국기독교신학논총)
2012홍석후의 『신편생리교과서』(1906) 번역과 그 의미 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학)
2012올리버 알 에비슨(oliver r. avison)의 의료선교사 지원과 내한 과정History & the Boundaries (역사와 경계)
201219세기 말 미국 북 장로회의 한국 선교 추진 과정에 대한 연구Journal of Korean Studies (동방학지)
2011제중원에서 『약물학 상권(무기질)』의 번역과 그 의미 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학)
2011Timetable for upper eyelid development in staged human embryos and fetuses. ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY
2010올리버 알 에비슨(1860~1956)의 생애 Yonsei Journal of Medical History (연세의사학)
2010Retinoic Acid Induces Abnormal Palate During Embryogenesis in Rat Journal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science (대한의생명과학회지)
2010Hoxc8 represses BMP-induced expression of Smad6MOLECULES AND CELLS
2009The third helix of the Hoxc8 homeodomain peptide enhances the efficiency of gene transfer in combination with lipofectamine.MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY
2008윤치왕의 생애와 의료 활동 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학)
2008The third helix of the murine Hoxc8 homeodomain facilitates protein transduction in mammalian cellsBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
2008주현측(朱賢則)의 생애와 활동 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학)
2008Overexpression of Hoxc8, a homeobox gene, in B16F10 melanoma inhibits the growth of tumor cellsGENES & GENOMICS
2008Membrane transducing activity of recombinant Hoxc8 protein and its possible application as a gene delivery vector EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2007Differential Expression of Hox Genes during Murine Liver RegenerationKorean Journal of Genetics (한국유전학회지)
2006흰쥐에서 임신 중 레티노산이 입천장 형태발생에 미치는 영향Korean Journal of Anatomy (대한해부학회지)
2006박서양의 의료활동과 독립운동 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학)
2006한국에서 최초로 발간된 해부학 교과서와 편찬 배경Korean Journal of Anatomy (대한해부학회지)
2005인간 배자에서 코의 초기발생 : 입체현미경 및 조직학적 분석 Korean Journal of Otolaryngology (대한이비인후과학회지)
2005Spatio-Temporal Expression Pattern of Grp78, a Putative Hoxc8 Downstream Target Gene, During Murine Embryogenesis Journal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science (대한의생명과학회지)
2005Membraneous localization of Jpk is not essential to exert cytotoxicity in F9 teratocarcinoma cellsJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY PART A-COMPARATIVE EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY
2005Dynamic expression pattern of Hoxc8 during mouse early embryogenesisANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY
2004The discomallear ligament and the anterior ligament of malleus: an anatomic study in human adults and fetusesSURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY
2004Cloning of TLR3 Isoform YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2004Organ-Specific Expression Profile of Jpk: Seeking for a Possible Diagnostic Marker for the Diabetes MellitusJournal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science (대한의생명과학회지)
2004Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Communication MPI Library for the GridInternational Journal of Computers and Applications
2004Early development of the nose in human embryos: A stereomicroscopic and histologic analysisLARYNGOSCOPE
2003해방 직후 북한의 의학교육에 관한 연구 : 평양의학대학을 중심으로 남북한 보건의료
2003Timetable for intestinal rotation in staged human embryos and fetusesBIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH PART A-CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR TERATOLOGY
2003A Novel Gene, Jpk, Induces Apoptosis in F9 Murine Teratocarcinoma Cell through ROS GenerationANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
2003인간의 표피 및 피부장벽의 발생Journal of Skin Barrier Research (한국피부장벽학회지)
2002배자배양법을 이용한 방사선 유도 선천성 기형 검사의 모델 시스템 개발 Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology
2002A novel factor associating with the upstream regulatory element of murine Hoxa-7 induces bacterial cell deathMOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS
2002한국 의사면허제도의 정착과정 : 한말과 일제시대를 중심으로 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학)
2002생쥐 배자의 cDNA 라이브러리로부터 신규 유전자(Jpk)의 동정GENES & GENOMICS
2002Endotoxin-neutralizing antimicrobial proteins of the human placenta JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY
2002Retinoic acid responsive element in HoXA-7 regulatory region affects the rate, not the formation of anterior boundary expression. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
2001한국인 배자 및 태아에서 엉덩관절의 초기발생 Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology
2001구리개 제중원의 규모와 활동 Korean Journal of Medical History (의사학)
2001Embryological background for fetal surgery YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2001흰쥐 말초신경 손상에 의한 신경원통과성변성의 양상 Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology

