2016 | Retrospective study of maxillary sinus dimensions and pneumatization in adult patients with an anterior open bite | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2016 | Is There a Difference in Stability After Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy Between Vertically High-Angle and Normal-Angle Patients? | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2016 | Changes in the craniofacial complex and alveolar bone height of young adults: Applications to dental medicine | CLINICAL ANATOMY |
2016 | The effects of alveolar bone loss and miniscrew position on initial tooth displacement during intrusion of the maxillary anterior teeth: Finite element analysis
2016 | Time-dependent effects of ultraviolet and nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasma on the biological activity of titanium
2016 | Subjective food intake ability related to oral health-related quality of life and psychological health | JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION |
2016 | Stress distributions in peri-miniscrew areas from cylindrical and tapered miniscrews inserted at different angles
2016 | 횡적 부조화를 동반한 골격성 III급 부정교합 환자의 수술교정 치험례 | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2016 | Effect of labiolingual inclination of a maxillary central incisor and surrounding alveolar bone loss on periodontal stress: A finite element analysis.
2016 | Biomechanical characteristics of self-ligating brackets in a vertically displaced canine model: a finite element analysis | ORTHODONTICS & CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH |
2016 | Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy Results in Good Long-Term Mandibular Stability in Patients With Mandibular Prognathism and Anterior Open Bite | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2016 | The influence of age on lip-line cant in adults: a cross-sectional study.
2016 | Effect of malocclusion severity on oral health-related quality of life and food intake ability in a Korean population | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2016 | Major factors contributing to anterior and posterior relapse after intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy | JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2016 | Surgical removal of asymptomatic impacted third molars: Considerations for orthodontists and oral surgeons | SEMINARS IN ORTHODONTICS |
2016 | Stability of Pre-Orthodontic Orthognathic Surgery Using Intraoral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy Versus Conventional Treatment | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2016 | Evaluation of the surface characteristics of anodic oxidized miniscrews and their impact on biomechanical stability: An experimental study in beagle dogs | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2015 | Diagnosis and evaluation of skeletal Class III patients with facial asymmetry for orthognathic surgery using three-dimensional computed tomography | SEMINARS IN ORTHODONTICS |
2015 | Resin bonding of metal brackets to glazed zirconia with a porcelain primer
2015 | Effect of Audiovisual Treatment Information on Relieving Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Impacted Mandibular Third Molar Removal | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2015 | 성장기 골격성 III급 부정교합의 악정형치료 치험례 | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2015 | Accelerated Bone Formation in Distracted Alveolar Bone After Injection of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 | JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY |
2015 | Comparison of shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets using various zirconia primers
2015 | Interdisciplinary treatment for an adult patient with anterior open bite, severe periodontitis, and intellectual disability | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2015 | Strain of bone-implant interface and insertion torque regarding different miniscrew thread designs using an artificial bone model | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS |
2015 | Impact of malocclusion and common oral diseases on oral health-related quality of life in young adults | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2015 | A comparative study of frictional force in self-ligating brackets according to the bracket-archwire angulation, bracket material, and wire type
2014 | The(더) Detail한 교정 치료 (교정치료 후 상악 전치부에 공간이 생긴 경우, 교정치료 중 악교정 수술이 필요하다고 한 경우) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2014 | The(더) Detail한 교정 치료 (교정치료 후 crowding이 재발한 경우) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2014 | 안면비대칭을 동반한 골격성 Ⅲ급 부정교합의 절충치료 치험례 | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2014 | The(더) Detail한 교정 치료 (치료 중 개교교합이 생긴 경우) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2014 | The(더) Detail한 교정 치료 (술 전 교정이 안 된 상태에서 악교정 수술을 의뢰 한 경우, 교정치료 후 안모 비대칭을 주소로 치료한 경우) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2014 | The(더) Detail한 교정 치료 (교정치료 후 개방교합이 발생한 경우, 기능을 고려하지 않고 치료한 경우) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2014 | A comparison of tapered and cylindrical miniscrew stability | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS |
2014 | Cytotoxicity Comparison of the Nanoparticles Deposited on Latex Rubber Bands between the Original and Stretched State
2014 | Comparison of frictional forces between aesthetic orthodontic coated wires and self-ligation brackets
2014 | A simple classification of facial asymmetry by TML system | JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2014 | Biologic evaluation of a hollow-type miniscrew implant: An experimental study in beagles | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2014 | Severe skeletal Class III malocclusion treated with 2-stage orthognathic surgery with a mandibular step osteotomy | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2014 | Comparison of virtual and manual tooth setups with digital and plaster models in extraction cases | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2014 | Patterns of medical accidents and disputes in the orthodontic field in Korea
2014 | Surface roughness of three types of modern plastic bracket slot floors and frictional resistance | ANGLE ORTHODONTIST |
2014 | Adult patient with hemifacial microsomia treated with combined orthodontics and distraction osteogenesis | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2013 | The(더) Detail한 교정 치료 (교정치료 중 전치부 치수 괴사가 된 경우) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2013 | The(더) Detail한 교정 치료 (교정 생역학을 고려하지 않고 치료한 경우, 중심선을 고려하지 않고 치료한 경우) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2013 | Orthognathic treatment with autotransplantation of a third molar | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2013 | 골성 고정원을 이용한 골격성 ll급 부정교합의 절충치료 치험례 | Yonsei Journal of Clinical Orthodontics (연세임상교정) |
2013 | Quantitative analysis of mechanically retentive ceramic bracket base surfaces with a three-dimensional imaging system | ANGLE ORTHODONTIST |
2013 | Accuracy of miniscrew surgical guides assessed from cone-beam computed tomography and digital models | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS |
2013 | Biologic stability of plasma ion-implanted miniscrews