2017 | Relaxin Modulates the Expression of MMPs and TIMPs in Fibroblasts of Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
2016 | 류마티스 관절염의 진단과 치료 및 증상별 처방약 선택과 처방의도 해설 | Journal of the Korean Pharmaceutical Association (대한약사회지) |
2016 | The Effect of Debridement of Coexisting Partial Ligament Injuries on Outcomes Following Arthroscopic Osteosynthesis for Minimally Displaced Scaphoid Nonunions. | JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME |
2016 | 제2-3기 주상골 불유합 진행성 붕괴의 관혈적 무두나사 고정 및 자가 장골 이식술 치료
| Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (대한정형외과학회지) |
2016 | Factors Influencing Outcomes after Ulnar Nerve Stability-Based Surgery for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: A Prospective Cohort Study
2016 | Surgical Results of Delaminated Rotator Cuff Repair Using Suture-Bridge Technique With All-Layers or Bursal Layer-Only Repair | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE |
2016 | Is Arthroscopic Bone Graft and Fixation for Scaphoid Nonunions Effective? | CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2015 | Ulnar nerve stability-based surgery for cubital tunnel syndrome via a small incision: a comparison with classic anterior nerve transposition
2015 | Age at First Delivery and Osteoporosis Risk in
Korean Postmenopausal Women: The 2008–2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES)
2015 | A central threadless shaft screw is better than a fully threaded variable pitch screw for unstable scaphoid nonunion: a biomechanical study | INJURY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED |
2015 | 수술 후 발생한 주두골 불유합의 치료
| Journal of the Korean Fracture Society (대한골절학회지) |
2014 | 과신전 손상 후 발생한 제5 수지 신전형 중수지 관절 잠김
| Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (대한정형외과학회지) |
2014 | Association between levels of serum ferritin and bone mineral density in Korean premenopausal and postmenopausal women: KNHANES 2008-2010.
2014 | Passive Skeletal Muscle Excursion after Tendon Rupture Correlates with Increased Collagen Content in Muscle
2014 | Down-regulation of collagen synthesis and matrix metalloproteinase expression in myofibroblasts from dupuytren nodule using adenovirus-mediated relaxin gene therapy | JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH |
2013 | 수근관 감압술 후 초음파상 정중신경 단면적의 변화와 예후와의 상관관계
| Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (대한정형외과학회지) |
2013 | 중간엽 줄기세포의 골아세포 분화에 있어 STAT의 발현 및 역할
| Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Research Society (대한정형외과연구학회지) |
2013 | Topographical anatomy of the radial nerve and its muscular branches related to surface landmarks | CLINICAL ANATOMY |
2013 | 주상골 골절에 대한 관혈적 배측 접근법을 이용한 무두 자가압박 나사 고정술
| Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (대한수부외과학회지) |
2013 | Efficacy of Combined Osteotomy and Ulnar Nerve Transposition for Cubitus Valgus With Ulnar Nerve Palsy in Adults | CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2013 | Endoscopic versus open release in patients with de Quervain’s tenosynovitis | JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-BRITISH VOLUME |
2013 | Coexisting Intraarticular Disorders Are Unrelated To Outcomes After Arthroscopic Resection of Dorsal Wrist Ganglions | CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2013 | Intrinsic ligament and triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears of the wrist: comparison of isovolumetric 3D-THRIVE sequence MR arthrography and conventional MR image at 3 T | MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING |
2013 | Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Is Preferred Over Mini-open Despite Similar Outcome: A Randomized Trial
2012 | 수술 후 발생한 상완골 원위부 불유합의 치료
| Journal of the Korean Fracture Society (대한골절학회지) |
2012 | 수부의 석회화 병변에 대한 수술적 제거술
| Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (대한수부외과학회지) |
2012 | 금속판 고정술을 이용한 주두 골절의 치료
| Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (대한수부외과학회지) |
2012 | Does carpal tunnel release provide long-term relief in patients with hemodialysis-associated carpal tunnel syndrome? | CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH |
2011 | 일차 수술이 실패한 주상골 불유합에 대한 재유합술
| Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (대한수부외과학회지) |
2011 | Does endoscopic release of the first extensor compartment have benefits over open release in de Quervain's disease? | JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY |
2011 | One-bone forearm procedure for acquired pseudoarthrosis of the ulna combined with radial head dislocation in a child: a case with 20 years follow-up.
2010 | 65세 이상 고령 환자의 단일 입구를 이용한 내시경적 수근관 감압술
| Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (대한수부외과학회지) |
2010 | 요골 두 및 경부 골절의 경피적 도수 정복술
| Journal of the Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society (대한견주관절학회지) |
2010 | 골다공증 환자에 발생한 원위 요골 골절을 동반한 척골 골간단 골절의 수술적 치료
| Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (대한수부외과학회지) |
2010 | Decompression of the ulnar nerve and minimal medial epicondylectomy with a small incision for cubital tunnel syndrome: comparison with anterior subcutaneous transposition of the nerve | JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY |
2010 | Correction of long standing proximal interphalangeal flexion contractures with cross finger flaps and vigorous postoperative exercises
2010 | 신전 제한법을 이용한 골성 추지 골절 치료의 예후 인자
| Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (대한정형외과학회지) |
2010 | Prognostic factors and long-term outcomes following a modified Thompson's quadricepsplasty for severely stiff knees | JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-BRITISH VOLUME |
2009 | 슬관절 강직에서 변형된 Thompson 대퇴사두근 성형술의 예후 인자
| Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (대한정형외과학회지) |
2009 | 사지 재건에 있어 서혜부 유리 피판술의 적응증 및 예후 인자
| Journal of the Korean Society for Microsurgery (대한미세수술학회지) |
2009 | 단순 혹은 주관절 주위 손상을 동반한 소두 골절의 수술적 치료
| Journal of the Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society (대한견주관절학회지) |
2009 | 무세포성 진피 동종 이식편과 자가 부분층 식피술을 이용한 사지 광범위 피부 결손의 피복
| Journal of Korean Musculoskeletal Tissue Transplantation Society (대한골ㆍ연부조직이식학회지) |
2009 | 요골 단축 절골술을 이용한 제 3단계 Kienbo¨ck병의 치료 결과
| Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand (대한수부외과학회지) |
2009 | Segmental resection and replantation have a role for selected advanced sarcomas in the upper limb
2009 | Corrective dome osteotomy for cubitus varus and valgus in adults | JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY |
2004 | 류마토이드 관절염에서 후방십자인대 보존형 무시멘트 슬관절 전치환술
| Journal of Korean Knee Society (대한슬관절학회지) |
2004 | 지간 신경종에서 보존적 치료의 임상적 결과
| Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society (대한족부족관절학회지) |