Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Hyeonkyeong

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Lee, Hyeonkyeong [이현경]
Department :
College of Nursing (간호대학) - Dept. of Nursing (간호학과)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (8116516100)

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Showing results 51 to 100 of 110

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2017Contributing factors of teenage pregnancy among African-American females living in economically disadvantaged communitiesAPPLIED NURSING RESEARCH
2017Effects of culturally adaptive walking intervention on cardiovascular disease risks for middle-aged Korean-Chinese female migrant workersARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
2017Culturally Adaptive Walking Intervention for Korean-Chinese Female Migrant WorkersRESEARCH AND THEORY FOR NURSING PRACTICE
2017Influence of a community-based stretching intervention on the health outcomes among Korean-Chinese female migrant workers in South Korea: A randomized prospective trialJAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE
2016The Effectiveness of a Cultural Competence Training Program for Public Health Nurses using Intervention Mapping Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2016조선족 중년여성 근로자의 심혈관질환 예방교육자료 개발 및 평가: Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Printable Materials (PEMAT-P) 이용 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2016Is There Disparity in Cardiovascular Health Between Migrant Workers and Native Workers?WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY
2015학습성과기반 단계적 통합간호실습교육 매트릭스 개발 Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education (한국간호교육학회지)
2015간호사가 인지한 서번트 리더십, 의사소통능력과 감정노동의 관계 Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (한국직업건강간호학회지)
2015간호교육자가 인지한 국내 간호학생들을 위한 국제보건 핵심역량 Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education (한국간호교육학회지)
2015Dyadic Effects of Individual and Friend on Physical Activity in College StudentsPUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
2015Quality of nursing doctoral education in seven countries: survey of faculty and students/graduatesJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2015Multiple risk factors for work-related injuries and illnesses in korean-chinese migrant workersWORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY
2015Barriers to performing stretching exercises among Korean-Chinese female migrant workers in KoreaPUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
2014간호사의 문화적 역량에 대한 외국인 환자와 병원 간호사의 인식 비교 Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research (임상간호연구)
2014일 지역 노인의 사회적 건강결정인자와 건강 관련 삶의 질과의 관계 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2014농촌지역 중년과 노인의 자기효능감, 사회적 지지와 지역사회 공동체의식이 건강관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2014Perceptions about family planning and contraceptive practice in a marital dyadJOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING
2014Effects of a 12 week self-managed stretching program among Korean-Chinese female migrant workers in Korea: A randomized trialJAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE
2013여자 대학생의 신체활동 정도와 관련요인 Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing (한국보건간호학회지)
2013고혈압 환자의 약물복용 이행에 영향을 미치는 요인: 2008년 국민건강영양조사를 이용하여 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2013에티오피아 농촌지역 여자청소년을 위한 HIV 예방프로그램 개발 Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion (보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2013조선족 이민자의 문화적응, 사회적 관계망과 건강 관련 삶의 질의 관계Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2013Factors associated with needlestick and sharp injuries among hospital nurses: A cross-sectional questionnaire surveyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES
2013Patterns and predictors of non-use of family planning methods in Ethiopian women: a panel surveyINTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW
2013한국에 이주한 조선족 중년여성 근로자의 경험: 작업 관련성 근골격계질환 위험 요인을 중심으로 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2012암병동 간호사의 임종간호 스트레스와 인지 및 교육요구도 Korean Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care (한국호스피스완화의료학회지)
2012함정 근무 장병의 신체활동 관련 요인: 생태학적 접근 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2012일 지역 보건진료원의 문화적 역량 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2012가정간호대상자 가족의 사회적 지지와 가족기능, 가정간호 특성 간의 관계 Journal of Korean Academic Society of Home Health Cara Nursing (가정간호학회지)
2012Application of community-based participatory research principles: preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders among female Korean-Chinese migrant workers in KoreaWORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY
2012Acculturative stress, work-related psychosocial factors and depression in Korean-Chinese migrant workers in Korea JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
2012Quality of nursing doctoral education in Korea: towards policy developmentJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2011외국인 이주자 건강관련 연구 동향 - 최근 10년간(2000-2009년) 연구에 대한 고찰 Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion (보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2011Psychosocial Factors and Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders among Southeastern Asian Female Workers Living in Korea SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK
2011Self-management program for obesity control among middle-aged women in Korea: a pilot studyJAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE
2011혈액종양병동 간호사의 소진에 영향을 미치는 요인 Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (한국산업간호학회지)
2011Lifestyle advice for Korean Americans and native Koreans with hypertensionJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2010본태성고혈압 군인의 사회심리학적 요인과 고혈압관련 생활양식 및 복약 이행과의 관계 Journal of Military Nursing Research (군진간호연구)
2010농촌지역 보건진료소의 고혈압 예방 및 관리사업 평가 Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion (보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2010Family planning practice and related factors of married women in Ethiopia.INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW
2010조선족 근로자의 직업 관련성 사회 심리적 요인, 문화적응 요인과 직업 관련성 근골격계 질환의 관계 Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing (한국산업간호학회지)
2010일차보건의료 역량 개발을 위한 지역사회 기반 참여형 국제보건사업 모델 개발 : 에콰도르 일개 지역을 중심으로 한 사례연구 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2010Quality of faculty, students, curriculum and resources for nursing doctoral education in Korea: a focus group study.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES
2009Factors Influencing Stress Coping Behaviors of Elementary Students in Korea Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion (보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2009Validation of self-report on smoking among university students in KoreaAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH BEHAVIOR
2009Self-reported medication and herb/supplement use by women with and without fibromyalgia.JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH
2008Psychosocial risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the lower-back among long-haul international female flight attendantsJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING

