Browsing by Yonsei Author : Shin, Hyun Chul

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Shin, Hyun Chul [신현철]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 21 of 21

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2009Artificial disc replacement combined with fusion versus two-level fusion in cervical two-level disc diseaseSPINE
2009Radiologically documented adjacent-segment degeneration after cervical arthroplasty: characteristics and review of casesSURGICAL NEUROLOGY
2008The efficacy of microendoscopic discectomy in reducing iatrogenic muscle injuryJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE
2008Progressive collapse of PMMA-augmented vertebra: A report of three casesZENTRALBLATT FUR NEUROCHIRURGIE
2007Spinal Cord Tumors of the Thoracolumbar Junction Requiring Surgery: A Retrospective Review of Clinical Features and Surgical Outcome YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007Early Clinical Experience with the Mobi-C Disc Prosthesis YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007Early Results from Posterior Cervical Fusion with a Screw-Rod System YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007Modified techniques to prevent sagittal imbalance after cervical arthroplastySPINE
2007Thoracolumbar Junction Disc Herniations: Clinical Features and Surgical Approaches Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2007Clinical and Kinematic Analysis in Patients with Cervical Disc Herniation at the C3-4 Single Level Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2007Surgical management of paraspinal tumors Korean Journal of Spine (대한척추신경외과학회지)
2007Outcome of surgery for a symptomatic herniated thoracic disc in relation to preoperative characteristics of the discACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA
2007Cervical arthroplasty in a patient with Klippel-Feil syndromeACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA
2006A thoracic myelomeningocele in a patient with spondylocostal dysostosisJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2006Total Body Replacement with an Expandable Cage after en Bloc Lumbar Spondylectomy Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2006Posterior lumbar interbody fusion via a unilateral approach YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2006Clinical and radiological results following cervical arthroplastyACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA
2006Postoperative Spinal Epidural Hematoma: Risk Factor and Clinical Outcome YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2006척추성형술 후 발생한 자발성 방출성 압박골절 Journal of Korean Neurotraumatology Society (대한신경손상학회지)
2005Real-time CT fluoroscopy (CTF)-guided vertebroplasty in osteoporotic spine fractures YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2005Surgical management of spinal disease in renal recipientsCLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION

