Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Kyung Hwan

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Kim, Kyung Hwan [김경환]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Pharmacology (약리학교실)

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Researcher Network

Showing results 101 to 150 of 161

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2000Suppression of NF-kappaB activation and cytokine production by N-acetylcysteine in pancreatic acinar cells.Free Radical Biology and Medicine
2000A novel effect of rebamipide: generation of Ca oscillations through activation of CCk1 receptors in rat pancreatic acinar cellsEuropean Journal of Pharmacology
1999의과대학생의 의학교육 및 의료에 대한 의식 조사Korean Journal of Medical Education (한국의학교육학회지)
1999콜린결핍 에치오닌 강화 식이로 유발한 췌장염에서 저분자 항산화물질의 효과 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
1999의과대학생의 의학교육 및 의료에 대한 의식 조사Korean Journal of Medical Education (한국의학교육학회지)
1999Melatonin and taurine reduce early glomerulopathy in diabetic ratsFree Radical Biology and Medicine
1999Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy: the role of oxidative stress and protein kinase CDiabetes Research and Clinical Practice
1999의과대학생의 의학교육 및 의료에 대한 의식 조사Korean Journal of Medical Education (한국의학교육학회지)
1999Lipid Peroxidation, NF-κB Activation and Cytokine Production in Neutrophil-Stimulated Pancreatic Acinar Cells Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology
1999Future of interventions in diabetic nephropathy: antioxidantsPeritoneal Dialysis International
1999Effects of mannitol and dimethylthiourea on helicobacter pylori-induced IL-8 production in gastric epithelial cellsPharmacology
1998The inhibitory mechanism of aloe glycoprotein (NY945) on the mediator release in the guinea pig lung mast cell activated with antigen-antibody complexes. KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
1998인체 및 토끼 위선세포에서 인삼사포닌의 위산분비 매개 신호전달체계에 미치는 영향 Journal of Ginseng Research (고려인삼학회지)
1998Role of nitric oxide in oxidative damage in isolated rabbit gastric cells exposed to hypoxia-reoxygenationDIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES
1998Bioequivalence study of cipol-N (cyclosporine microemulsion preparation) in healthy adultsTRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
1998뇌실내 Thyrotropin-releasing Hormone이 위배출 기능에 미치는 영향 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
1998해명 폐조직 비반세포가 항원 - 항체 반응에 의해 활성화시 매체 유리에 미치는 Ginsenoside(Rb1)의 기전 연구 Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology (천식 및 알레르기)
1998Protective mechanism of nitric oxide and mucus against ischemia/reperfusion-induced gastric mucosal injury KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
1998Cromakalim Blocks Membrane Phosphoinositide Activated Signals in the Guinea Pig Lung Mast Cells Stimulated with Antigen-Antibody Reactions KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
1998마우스, 랫트, 해명에서 집먼지 진드기 추출물의 일반 약리시험과 급성 및 아급성 독성에 관한 연구. Journal of Toxicology and Public Health
1998Effects of Small Molecular Antioxidants on Cerulein-induced Acute Pancreatitis in Rat KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
1998Loxoprofen sodium 제제(레녹스정)의 생물학적 동등성시험 Journal of Applied Pharmacology (응용약물학회지)
1998Inhibitory effect of ginsenoside on the mediator release in the guinea pig lung mast cells activated by specific antigen-antibody reactionsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY
1998Effect of nitric oxide on hydrogen peroxide-induced damage in isolated rabbit gastric glandsPHARMACOLOGY
1997정상 성인에서 Cyclosporine 연질 경구제제 사이폴 - 엔R의 생물학적 동동성에 관한 연구 Journal of the Korean Society for Transplantation
1997당뇨병성 신증의 발생과 진행에 관여하는 산화성 스트레스의 역할Korean Journal of Nephrology (대한신장학회지)
1997흰쥐 이자에서 Secretin-CCK 상승작용 기전에 관한 연구 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
1997저산소/재산소화와 Sodium Nitroprusside가 분리 위선세포의 산분비 및 세포내 Cyclic Nucleotide에 미치는 영향 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
1997분리 위선세포에서 가역성 프로톤 펌프 억제제 YH1238 및 YH1885의 위산분비 억제효과KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
1997Effects of Ginsenosides on the Mechanism of Histamine Release in the Guinea Pig Lung Mast Cells Activated by Specific Antigen- Antibody Reactions KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
1997Role of glycated low density lipoprotein in mesangial extracellular matrix synthesisKIDNEY INTERNATIONAL
1997Effects of Rebamipide in a Model of Experimental Diabetes and on the Synthesis of Transforming Growth Factor-b and Fibronectin, and Lipid Peroxidation Induced by High Glucose in Cultured Mesangial CellsJOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS
1996Role of Nitric Oxide as an Antioxidant in the Defense of Gastric Cells Korean Journal of Pharmacology(대한약리학잡지)
1996The cholecystokinin receptor antagonist L-364,718 reduces taurocholate-induced pancreatitis in ratsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PANCREATOLOGY
1996Cholecystokinin 길항제인 L-364,718이 시험관내 췌장암세포 성장에 미치는 영향 Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
1996Secretory response of cultured acinar cells of rat pancreas to cholecystokinin YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
1996Effects of a Nitric Oxide Donor and Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitors on Acid Secretion of Isolated Rabbit Gastric GlandsPHARMACOLOGY
1996정상 성인에서 Cyclosporine 연질 경구제제 네오프란타의 생물학적 동등성에 관한 연구 Journal of Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics(임상약리학회지)
1996The effects of cromakalim on the mediator releases from guinea pig lung mast cell activated by specific antigen-antibody reactions YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
1996Evaluation of anti-influenza effects of camostat in mice infected with non-adapted human influenza virusesARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY
1996이자효소 분비에 관여하는 세포 내 조절 단백에 대한 연구 Korean Journal of Pharmacology(대한약리학잡지)
1996Thioacetamide 유발 흰 쥐 간독성에 대한 인삼 사포닌 및 에타놀 추출물의 효과 Journal of Toxicology and Public Health(한국독성학회지)
1996Primary cultures of rat pancreatic acinar cells in complete media and in serum - free mediaAsia Pacific Journal of Pharmacology
1996Hepatoprotective effect of Panax ginseng against thioacetamide intoxication in ratsAsia Pacific Journal of Pharmacology
1995Rebamipide ameliorates hepatic dysfunction induced by ischemia/reperfusion in ratsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY
1995뇌허혈 재관류로 인한 뇌조직 아민 변동과 nitric oxide 및 산소유리기와의 관련성 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association(대한신경과학회지)
1995Role of oxidative stress in the development of diabetic nephropathyKIDNEY INTERNATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS
1995Effects of epithelium on the mechanism of mediator release from guinea pig tracheal tissues sensitized by IgG1 versus IgE antibody YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

