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Role of individual deprivation and community-level deprivation on suicidal behaviors: Insights from the UK Biobank study

 Kwanghyun Kim  ;  Doo Woong Lee  ;  Sun Jae Jung 
 SSM-POPULATION HEALTH, Vol.26 : 101654, 2024-06 
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Effect modifier ; Epidemiologic ; Multilevel analysis ; Self-harm ; Social deprivation ; Suicide
Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the impact of individual- and community-level deprivation on suicidal behaviors among community members. Methods: Data from 350,884 UK Biobank participants were employed to construct an individual deprivation index. Absolute poverty was defined as a pre-tax annual household income below ₤18,000. Predictors for absolute poverty incorporated variables such as sex, ethnicity, type of accommodation, tenure status, number of vehicles owned, educational qualifications, current employment status, and subjective health rating. The individual deprivation index was constructed using a logistic regression model to predict absolute poverty. Townsend Deprivation Index (TDI) was employed to represent community-level deprivation. The associations between the individual deprivation index, TDI, and suicidal behaviors were examined through multivariate linear regression. Interaction analyses were conducted to investigate effect modification. Results: The logistic regression model demonstrated high predictive accuracy for absolute poverty (area under the receiver operating curve = 0.840). The associations between individual deprivation index and suicidal behaviors were observed to be more substantial than those between TDI and suicidal behaviors. A positive interaction between the individual deprivation index and TDI was detected, indicating an amplifying effect of community-level deprivation on the impact of individual-level deprivation on suicidal behaviors. Conclusion: Our study successfully constructed a comprehensive individual deprivation index that could be applied widely to measure individual-level deprivation. Our findings revealed that individual-level deprivation and community-level deprivation have a synergistic effect on suicidal behaviors, underscoring the importance of multilevel interventions in suicide prevention. © 2024
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Yonsei Authors
Jung, Sun Jae(정선재) ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5194-7339
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