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성장호르몬과 프로락틴분비 뇌하수체선종의 In Situ Hybridization에 의한 분석

Other Titles
 In situ hybridization analysis of human growth hormone and prolactin secreting pituitary adenomas 
 이은직  ;  김경래  ;  이현철  ;  남문석  ;  조재화  ;  임승길  ;  정현주  ;  김태승  ;  김선호 
 Journal of Korea Society of Endocrinology (대한내분비학회지), Vol.9(2) : 82-92, 1994-06 
Journal Title
Journal of Korea Society of Endocrinology(대한내분비학회지)
Issue Date
Growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma ; Prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma ; GHmRNA ; PRLmRNA
A non-isotopic in situ hybridization method with biotin-labelled oligonucleotide probes was used to examine growth hormone(GH) and prolactin(PRL) gene expression in 32 patients with pituitary adenomas; 13 were prolactinomas, 8 GH secreting adenomas, and 11 mixed GH and PRL secreting adenomas.Positive immunostaining for GH was found in all patients with GH secreting adenomas, and mixed GH and PRL secreting adenomas. Positive immunostaining for PRL was found in all patients with prolactinomas and 9(81.8%) of 11 mixed GH and PRL secreting adenomas, 5(62.5%) of 8 GH secreting adenomas. Immunohistochemistry revealed that 13 were lactotrope adenomas, 5 somatotrope adenomas, and 14 GH and PRL cell adenomas.In situ hybridization revealed that GH mRNA expression was found in all the patients with somatotrope adenomas and GH and PRL cell adenomas, and 6(46.1%) of 13 lactotrope adenomas. PRL mRNA expression was 100% in lactotrope and GH and PRL cell adenomas, and 4(80.0%) of 5 somatotrope adenomas.The patients with a clinical diagnosis of acromegaly had detectable PRL mRNA in their neoplasm and it is suggested that the PRL cells in the adenomas did not result from dedifferentiation, but from the neoplastic stimulus for some mixed tumors probably occurred in cells previously committed to produce PRL and GH. In lactotrope adenomas, the PRL cells of the patients without expression of GH mRNA may be arised from cells programmed to secrete PRL or precussor PRL cells rather than from mixed GH-PRL cells. The finding that some patients produced mRNA detectable by in situ hybridization, but no hormone detectable by immunohistochemistry within tumor was suggested of a silent adenoma.These observations indicated that in situ hybridization studies may improve the classification of pituitary adenomas and may provide a precise knowledge of the biology of these neoplasms.
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Sun Ho(김선호) ORCID logo
Lee, Eun Jig(이은직) ORCID logo
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