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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2017A combined prognostic factor for improved risk stratification of patients with oral cancerORAL DISEASES
2010An 8-gene signature, including methylated and down-regulated glutathione peroxidase 3, of gastric cancerINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY
2013An orthotopic and osteolytic model with a newly established oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lineARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY
2015Apoptotic effect of pheophorbide a-mediated photodynamic therapy on DMBA/TPA-induced mouse papillomasLASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2018Ataxia-Telangiectasia-Mutated Protein Expression as a Prognostic Marker in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Salivary Glands YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2019Cancer-associated fibroblast stimulates cancer cell invasion in an interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R)-dependent manner ONCOLOGY LETTERS
2019CCL28-induced RARβ expression inhibits oral squamous cell carcinoma bone invasionJOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION
2014Combined genomic expressions as a diagnostic factor for oral squamous cell carcinomaGENOMICS
2018CXCL1 induces senescence of cancer-associated fibroblasts via autocrine loops in oral squamous cell carcinoma PLOS ONE
2022Direct Contact with Platelets Induces Podoplanin Expression and Invasion in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS
2014Effect of EDTA on Attachment and Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem CellsJOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS
2016EGF enhances low-invasive cancer cell invasion by promoting IMP-3 expressionTUMOR BIOLOGY
2019Fascin is involved in cancer cell invasion and is regulated by stromal factorsONCOLOGY REPORTS
2012Functional invadopodia formation through stabilization of the PDPN transcript by IMP-3 and cancer-stromal crosstalk for PDPN expression.CARCINOGENESIS
2017Highly preserved consensus gene modules in human papilloma virus 16 positive cervical cancer and head and neck cancers ONCOTARGET
2017Identification of a combined biomarker for malignant transformation in oral submucous fibrosis JOURNAL OF ORAL PATHOLOGY & MEDICINE
2015Identification of human papillomavirus status specific biomarker in head and neck cancerHEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK
2018Identifying a combined biomarker for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jawCLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH
2019Immunohistochemistry Biomarkers Predict Survival in Stage II/III Gastric Cancer Patients: From a Prospective Clinical Trial Cancer Research and Treatment
2019Inhibiting casein kinase 2 overcomes paclitaxel resistance in gastric cancerGASTRIC CANCER
2016Insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA binding protein-3 and podoplanin expression are associated with bone invasion and prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinomaARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY
2016Lysophosphatidic acid activates the RhoA and NF-κB through Akt/IκBα signaling and promotes prostate cancer invasion and progression by enhancing functional invadopodia formationTUMOR BIOLOGY
2018Mitofusin-2 Expression Is Implicated in Cervical Cancer PathogenesisANTICANCER RESEARCH
2019Mortalin is a distinct bio-marker and prognostic factor in serous ovarian carcinomaGENE
2017Nomogram for risk prediction of malignant transformation in oral leukoplakia patients using combined biomarkersORAL ONCOLOGY
2019Paip1 overexpression is involved in the progression of gastric cancer and predicts shorter survival of diagnosed patients ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY
2023Peroxiredoxin 5 is involved in cancer cell invasion and tumor growth of oral squamous cell carcinomaORAL DISEASES
2019PKM2 enhances cancer invasion via ETS-1-dependent induction of matrix metalloproteinase in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells PLoS One
2021Prediction of Chemosensitivity in Multiple Primary Cancer Patients Using Machine LearningANTICANCER RESEARCH
2011Prognosis of gingival squamous cell carcinoma diagnosed after invasive procedures ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION
2015PTEN deficiency as a predictive biomarker of resistance to HER2-targeted therapy in advanced gastric cancerONCOLOGY
2014Reciprocal interaction between carcinoma-associated fibroblasts and squamous carcinoma cells through interleukin-1α induces cancer progression. NEOPLASIA
2015Risk of radiation-induced pneumonitis after helical and static-port tomotherapy in lung cancer patients and experimental rats RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2013Risk prediction for malignant conversion of oral epithelial dysplasia by hypoxia related protein expressionPATHOLOGY
2023RSL1D1 knockdown induces ferroptosis and mediates ferrous iron accumulation in senescent cells by inhibiting FTH1 mRNA stabilityCARCINOGENESIS
2015RUNX3 expression is associated with sensitivity to pheophorbide a-based photodynamic therapy in keloidsLASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2012Significance of molecular markers in survival prediction of oral squamous cell carcinomaHEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK
2017Snail and Axin2 expression predict the malignant transformation of oral leukoplakiaORAL ONCOLOGY
2017Snail reprograms glucose metabolism by repressing phosphofructokinase PFKP allowing cancer cell survival under metabolic stress NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2021SPOCK1/SIX1axis promotes breast cancer progression by activating AKT/mTOR signalingAging
2020The Axin2-snail axis promotes bone invasion by activating cancer-associated fibroblasts in oral squamous cell carcinoma BMC CANCER
2014The effect of disintegrin-metalloproteinase ADAM9 in gastric cancer progression.MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS
2017Use of a Combined Gene Expression Profile in Implementing a Drug Sensitivity Predictive Model for Breast Cancer CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2011구강암 세포주를 이종이식한 설암의 동소위 누드마우스 모델 Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (대한구강악안면외과학회지)
2017한국인 가족에 발생한 백색 해면상 모반 증례 Korean Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
2023한국인의 두피에 발생한 악성 흑색종의 임상병리학적 특징: 단일기관 후향적 연구Korean Journal of Dermatology(대한피부과학회지)

